help with electrode mass

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May 29, 2017
I have been using silver and copper electrodes in a solution of sodium chloride. I usually end up with silver chloride or copper chloride depending on which is the anode. The anode slime I produce or the residue that comes off of the anode electrode (copper or silver) is quite a lot depending on the duration it's on. So after an hour of electrolysis I end up with 70 grams of silver chloride or copper chloride. But the electrode loss is 5 grams from a 1 ounce bar. What is going on here??????? Is it the tarnish build up that affects the reading mass? I ended up trying to get rid of the tarnish with baking soda and aluminium. But the Loss of grams in electrodes is still.minimal. please do not think I'm lying. I really need help why this happens.
Refine2017 said:
...I end up with 70 grams of silver chloride or copper chloride. But the electrode loss is 5 grams from a 1 ounce bar. What is going on here??????? ...

I dont understand what kind of black magic voodoo, you are able to do to have that happen. I believe last thread of yours, a mod stated its impossible, which it is. So, without some pictures or something else thats a little more tangible than words, this will remain a modern mystery.

You are using a copper electrode and silver electrode?
Which is the anode, and which is the cathode?
Purity of the electrodes?
What concentration is your sodium chloride electrolyte?
What are the running parameters of your cell?
Electrode spacing, voltage, amperage, resistance?
Vessel composition?

Im curious as to what your goal is, with running these experiments? And why you choose to do them instead of known processes? (Assuming you are trying to get silver crystals still)
Lino and Topher are right. Your numbers are impossible.

My suggestion is to start from scratch:
(1) Stop messing around with that ridiculous process you're playing with, at least until you know something.
(2) Forget everything you think you have learned from places other than this forum. Most of the other stuff out there is BS. This forum probably contains 95% of all the reliable refining info on the internet. It is, by far, the primary site on the internet for PM scrap and what to do with it Don't look for info on the internet until you know enough to be able to discern between gold and bad info.
(3) Determine exactly what you want to accomplish. From your posts, it seems you haven't a clue about this. What type scrap do you want to learn to process?
(4) Start searching the forum for the subjects you are interested . Read Hoke. When you know what you really want to do, on what type of scrap, ask questions.
(5) Experiment, ask more questions, and never stop reading. This is a vast field and NO ONE on the planet knows it all.

Read this quote that is on all my posts:
"It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools" Ecc 7:5

In other words, stop listening to the idiots and start listening to the people that really, truly know what they're doing. If you listen to the people that aren't on this forum, some may know but most don't, even though they all think they are geniuses - it's a pig in a poke. If you only listen to people on this forum, you will never go wrong. If someone gives you some bad advice, someone with knowledge will definitely correct them, I guarantee it. It has always happened that way.

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