help with electrolytic cell

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Dlog Renim

Well-known member
May 13, 2012
Hi all

So im looking for some info to build and understand the process.. i went google and find some info on how to make drinkable water from salt water... and y try the search in here.. but dint really find what im looking for...

as im french i need something visual to catch all litle important thing of the process.. i need to understand whats the voltage does and also cathod electrod bla bla bla.. all these stuff..

i know i can type cathod and get year of reading lolol... thats where i ask for help.. save cople week :p

if some one have a good tuto on making a cell and good explication...

tank you all
well in kinda new into all the process of gold recuperation...

i have put the hand on a lot of graphic card and mother board..

so far at night on spare time i cut the finger and the pin..

but at this moment im into reading to learn how to recuperate all gold from each piece.. im not ready to play with AP yet.. for the finger should be ok but still need a bit on info...

and i want to get the info on electrolytic to procede on some part that are gold plated ( chain i have home)
Dlog Renim,
it sounds you have a lot of work to do, a lot of reading and studying, yes it will take time, I have been at it for several years, and I am only scratching the surface of things I need to learn, but if you are patient and persistent it is easy and fun.

Here are some places to start.

General reaction list, welcome to new members, Hoke's book (a must read), Laser steve's web site, dealing with waste, and of coarse any subject that catch's your interest.

After reading these you should have a fair understanding of where and how to begin.

It is best to study all you can about a process before you begin, and understand the principles, that way you do not have to go study to figure out where you lost your gold.

Every thing is free, and is provided for you, but we cannot just put the information in your head, you have to do the work yourself to get it in there.

Welcome, Have fun, you have found the best place to learn about these metals, how to recover and refine them.
yes.. im on these pdf.. gave me like 600 pages hehe.. now i just done translate it lolol

rite now im in the fun of calculating all piece i have with silver pro methode... ill put i thread of what i found today :)
Dlog Renim,

Laser Steve's web site has a few free video's, His website also kind of outlines several of the processes used with electronic scrap.

I do not envy you having to translate the material; a man has got to do what he has to do...

I would concentrate on translation of Hoke's book, the general reaction list, and Laser Steve's web site.
Laser Steve sells some very good video's, at a fair price, when and if you might be interested, GSP has a great book also, if after studying you have some question these friendly fellow refiners are glad to help anyone who is working hard to learn.

In Hoke's book you will learn the foundation of recovery and refining, if you do her getting acquainted experiments, you will understand how these metals react in acid, this will be a tremendous help when dealing with electronic scrap, understanding the principles she teaches, will give you the ability to deal with most anything that comes along, she does not describe how to deal with ore or the electronic scrap, her focus was on helping the jeweler, but what she teaches any miner or electronic gold recover-er and refiner, can use to help him get nice pure gold, and other metals, and deal with most of the problems he will run into while doing it.

In your first post you were talking about a cell, I assume you were meaning the concentrated sulfuric acid gold stripping cell, Laser Steve has posted much on this process in his early posts, I am also fairly sure you will find information about it on his web site, He did not invent several of these processes but he was a very big player in developing their use in what we are doing, Steve is very smart and creative, and has been a major player to learn from, too bad with his new job he has not had the time he used to have to help us develop more techniques.

No he does not pay me to advertise, I just feel his information has been so helpful.

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