4metals said:
You must have epoxy coated the inner shroud and the bearing shaft very well to seal it good enough to get that kind of life. Any preventative maintenance on the blower? (aside from greasing the bearings)
The entire blower housing was sand blasted and fully coated, inside and outside. The first replacement, which came several years after it was put in service, was the result of some of the inside corners beginning to lose the epoxy paint. The blower was still functioning well, but it was easier to replace it when it was down (for cleaning and examination). As far as service was concerned, the blower ran flawlessly. There was never any maintenance required. I insured that the motor had ball bearings. I also determined that my filtering system was doing an adequate job. There was very little on the impeller, or lining the stack, even after ten years. By sharp contrast, I would peel a thick layer off the inside of the fume hood in the air handling chamber, just before the filter. I did that on about a two year interval, and recovered no less than 8 ounces of gold for my trouble.
As you alluded, the impeller was an alloy, aluminum in fact. I was concerned that it may not hold the epoxy, but it proved to hold it well. I did experience a little vibration, due to the uneven painting. Given the opportunity to do it again, I'd likely try to spin the impeller slowly while it was being painted with a spray gun.
The only part of the motor that was exposed was the end of the shaft. I coated it with a little grease on assembly and never worried about how it would react. As it turned out, that was acceptable.
Part of the success was due to using the hood for incineration. That would dry out the assembly, and I incinerated frequently. I expect I would have enjoyed less success had I not.
The hood was made entirely of asbestos, using long stainless bolts with maximum thread exposure to the very weak asbestos board that was used. I was given a stack of 1¼" asbestos board, bonded with a plastic of sorts. The sheets were about 19" wide and 8' long, remnants of what was used for countertops of some description. I used this material for the sides of the hood. I still have a little of the board left, which I have targeted for the countertop material for my burnout oven for my investment casting room.
I used a material known as Colorlith (not sure of the name) for the countertop where the hood stood. It, too, was asbestos. Having experienced carbonizing of wood beneath the burners, I put six inch high pieces of the board on edge, then mounted the working surface. That gave 6" of air space under the burners, beneath the working surface. While the compartment, which housed two drawers, would get quite warm when incinerating, it was never hot enough to be a concern. Front and back panels of the hood were made of 3/4" thick asbestos.
As a point of reference, how many gallons of 70% nitric on average did you consume a day? This kind of implies the acid load the blower saw.
My rather humble operation would be better judged by the liters that were consumed daily rather than gallons. Towards the end of my operation, I was buying thee drums of nitric annually.
Also how high was the stack?
The roof of the castle was a very low pitch, something like 14" in 15', so there wasn't much sticking out above the roof line, which was below the parapet. I'll have to make a guess on height, but it wouldn't have been more than about 8' from the top of the blower to the end of the stack. I fabricated a square cover that would prevent rain and snow from entering the stack. It was epoxied to the inside of the stack with four pieces of Transite, about ½" thick.
I assume you didn't have a scrubber as most blowers pull through a scrubber to lessen the load on the blower as well.
That's correct. I had thought of one time and again, but nothing ever came of the thoughts, then I decided to retire and sold the business.
Plus you had outside make-up air too, that can really slow things up in the winter!
Heh! Learned to wear a warm coat during the winter months, and did a lot of sweating in the summer. You may have looked at the picture. There is a 6" diameter tube leading to the side you see. That was the air supply, and it had a twin on the opposite side, each with a butterfly valve to control the intake air. I pulled air from a galvanized manifold I installed in the ceiling before hanging the drywall. Try as I might, I can't remember where I put the fresh air intake for the manifold, but I had it planned such that it would pretty much be assured it would get fresh air, not air that was being discharged from the stack.
Did you use a blower in sync to provide make up air or did the exhaust draw provide it all? A-lot of questions I know and I apologize but your system seemed to have it together!
I relied on the blower to pull fresh air, which it did with a vengeance. A pwered supply could prove troublsome in that I wanted to keep a negative pressure in the lab at all times, to keep fumes at a minumum. With acids in use in an ongoing basis, the atmosphere had to be constantly flushed. For that reason, the hood was rarely turned off.
Needless to say, when I was incinerating I needed a huge air flow to keep things cool, but when I was evaporating it was very desirable to have just enough to keep the fumes moving in the right direction. As it turned out, the two 6" supply tubes introduced air at such a high velocity that it was troublesome. I would have been wise to go to larger pipe. Instead, I simply operated with the window open slightly, so a good portion of the air being discharged was pulled in from the window. It was only about two feet from the hood opening. That was the only part of the entire system I wasn't happy with, although it functioned well enough for me to never change.
I could operate my hood with the opening closed off. I had a piece of tempered glass that fit the opening, so I could observe what was happening, and with the two butterfly valves, I could throttle down the air flow, but I typically had so many things going on at one time that I had to have access to the hood on a regular basis. As a result, I rarely used the cover.
When I posted on building a hood and scrubber a lot of members balked at the blower price for a corrosion resistant blower. This could be a cost effective alternative.
All depends on what you consider cost effective. As I recall, the epoxy I purchased sold for something like $180/gallon. The epoxy I used to build the transition for the blower, rectangular to round, 8" Transite, was also quite expensive, although I don't recall the price. It was a neat product, set by heat. It worked with a small applicator, such as one used for caulk, then the joints were heated by the hot plate. I had my doubts, but the epoxy held up better than the Transite. While I never had to replace anything made of asbestos, there was marked degradation, but it also had been in service over ten years.
I likely would have gone a different route, but I knew how I'd use my hood, and had already had a fire, almost losing the house we owned before building the castle. Didn't want to take any chances with a faulty design setting yet another fire.
All in all, the refining experience, for me, was very rewarding and revealing. I cherish the memories! I have no interest in refining now, but given the same set of circumstances, I'd do it all over again.
edit: corrected format so one of the quotes would display properly. No change in content.