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Adjust the PH so that it's just slightly acidic Ph 4-5, and add Steel Wool to the solution. If it's too acidic, the remaining acid will dissolve the Steel Wool. If the solution gets too Basic, the metals will precipitate as a fluffy, hard to filter suspension.

Try to get the fine wool but the coarse works ok.

The Silver and Palladium will precipitate out on the surface of the Steel wool.

I've tried larger bits of Iron but the Palladium tends to passivate the surface. Steel wool has a lot of surface area will evenuially break apart and the metal can be filtered out.

You will have to redissolve the precipitate. PGMs and Gold Have a strong affinity for Iron.
So here you advocate using Steel Wool in-lieu of Zinc powder??? May I ask why??
It's cheaper.

I prefer zinc because it washes out easier than iron does and is somewhat quicker.

Both will work.

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