How do I heep my poormans AR from Crystlizing.

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Active member
Nov 19, 2011
Since it's been getting cold in Alabama.The other night I had disolved 5 grams of 10k gold in poormans Ar.Then after I netrulized it with urea.I used SMB to drop the gold.It was getting late so I coverd it up and was going to finish in the morning.The next morning Crystals had grow in my solution.And the was no percipation of gold.So how can I keep the crystals from growing over night.1 more question is I think I seen brown smoke when I added SMB so that means I didnt add enough urea.So I stoped and added more urea then more smb but got no percipitation of gold.Is it messed up?What should i do
Well I will suggest doing it different next time (get rid of urea in process), follow Hoke's instructions.

You probably see salts of urea and SMB, and sounds like you still have free nitric in solution.

What color was and is solution?
Green (if so loaded with base metals) here I would just cement on copper.
Yellow (heat solution).
Yellow changed brown after SMB (heat solution).

Depending on how well you eliminated the base metals prior to dissolving gold the powders may contain lead silver copper and other metals and even table salt.

I would decant solution from these salts before heating or cementing (and process them separate)

If you dissolved 10k gold in aqua regia, Put a big piece of copper buss bar in it, cover it (letting gas escape as needed) and sit it in safe place from children and animals. now read Hoke’s book until she makes sense.

Then you will be able to recover and refine your gold, other wise all you will be doing is getting out of one problem by asking questions and into another problem, and never really knowing what your doing or how to do this and not just create a mess with it.

I hope you understand, on the surface some of this sounds real easy, but there are many details you need to learn, and they are provided here for you for free, but you have to work to get that fruit off the free tree.
Yes it was green.But I havent tried karat gold before,just ceramic cpu,s.Using subzero.I have allways been sucessful with subzero even when my solution was green and full of base metals.I have never tried processing the base metals out before and my gold has allways droped like it was supposed to with storm percipatant
I gave my thoughts here, someone else may tell you to heat it and add more SMB, or some other suggestion (which may work for now), but what I want to see is for you learn how to recover and refine properly know what your doing, how to do it and why, so every time you run into a problem you can get yourself out of the jam.

it makes not much of a difference at this point how you recover your gold from this mess, as long as you do not loose the gold involved, how ever you recover it it will need refining,

so basically up to this point all you have done is take gold that was in a recognizable form easy to sell into an unrecognizable form hard to sell, even if you recovered and melted now you will have to refine or sell to a refiner. no gain there.

reading Hoke's is where you will profit.

what process may work well for one material may not be the best choice for another material ( I am not saying it won't work at all).

just advice,take it or not, if you like wait for help from someone else to help you out of this jam.

I really hope you understand here.
cly9412 said:
Since it's been getting cold in Alabama.The other night I had disolved 5 grams of 10k gold in poormans Ar.Then after I netrulized it with urea.I used SMB to drop the gold.It was getting late so I coverd it up and was going to finish in the morning.The next morning Crystals had grow in my solution.And the was no percipation of gold.

i have the same situation. i watch Steve's videos, which seem to be conducted at room temperature.

then i go out and do the processes outdoors, where temps have been dropping into the 20's and occasionally the teen's (degrees F).

anyway, i have started using a "grill thing" - i'm not sure what to call it. it is a cast aluminum plate with a heater element on the bottom, about 10 inches by 20 inches. like what i call a hot-plate, but i think of hot-plates as round.

anyway, you see them at garage sales.

i set the hot 'big rectangular plate' at LOW and just let it sit. i touch the plate and the base of the reaction vessel, to see how warm it is.

obviously, in a location that's free from rain.

though, sometimes, it's good to have the crystals precipitate so you can filter them out and get a more pure mixture. in the case of nitric acid the precipitate is sometimes Potassium Sulfate - i think.
grill thing

I think you meant griddle.

Put your reaction vessel in glass dish suitable to be on a stove or when it breaks and it will you will have a huge mess with lots of Al in your mix.


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