How do I make Nitric Acid?????

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Jan 2, 2013
I have everything other than the nitric! Can someone please post a procedure for all newbies that are having difficulties on this topic??? What chemicals do I need and what is the process!? Thanks guys! I know it sounds really dumb!
The information you are requesting is readily available on the forum, We will help anyone who is having trouble understanding a process or proceedure but we don't hold your hand here especially when it shows you haen't done your part of the bargain and studied.
Use the search function at the top right of your screen, keywords making nitric acid, there was a post on this subject on 28th dec 2012.
If you then have problems understanding the information get back to us and we will see if we can help.
Ok, just so we're all on the same page, I've been reading more in the last month studying this than I did taking 15 - 18 credit hours in college. I just did the search recommended in the response & got 1004 results, none of which appear to answer the question. (To be honest I didn't read all 1004. I skimmed the 1st 20 or so.) Would someone please maybe provide a link to the one that really has the information requested. I swear I'm doing my due diligence & will continue to read & study to learn as much as possible on my own. I'm not stupid. There's just too much to sort through & most of the search results don't apply. Thank you. Ed
there can be about a dozen different ways to make nitric acid.

One of the best methods is the cold method of poormans nitric acid, there are several ways you can read about it. searching the forum, but if you have not taken the guided tour of the forum I suggest you try that and you will find the recipe.

In the general chat section read:
The welcome to new members.
General reaction list.
Guide to the forum.

In the safety section reading it you will also find dealing with waste.
Thank you, butcher. Again! I've found a supplier of Nitric Acid, but when hazmat & shipping is added the price is pretty steep. $64.00 for 250 ml. I think economy & efficiency dictate that I at least consider making it myself.


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