Yep, jello like, you bet.
You need a good microscope, set up for metal and mineral. I use a AO duel eye, with 6 powers. The unit came from surplus chip manufacture. When i isolate the gel, it looks like jelly fish full of pepper. The pepper particles carry a lot of goodies. The host grain of Fe, Cr, Ti, ect and soluble NM are now salts in the gel and the pepper are insoluble metals, still alloyed with other NM or still mineral metals. When the ore sized minus 1,000 mesh and boiled in DH2O, filtered and a few drops are vaporized on a stainless steel spoon you see a residue of stuff. If salts, white, the spoon test needs to start out with low heat to drive off the liquid, the dry residue is viewed, next red hot heat. The residue is sometimes metal. DH2O can be as aggressive as mild acid. My point is the mineralized NM can be very soluble and the pre-acid process of eliminating base metals with weak acids will take some goodies. The geological stuff has not be fluxed and not reduced to pure metal..........yet!
It is suggested to use sodium hydroxide and boil the minus 1,000 mesh ore to remove the silica and other oxides that form the gel first. My concern was the very soluble NM will go into solution and I'll lose goodies. However high pH will also drop values under the right conditions, so I would rater get the soluble silica and get ride of the gel to expose the pepper. When NM are suspected to be in the solution of sodium hydroxide I use some sodium borohydride to drop to a black powder and treat them as a crock pot thing.
I'm including a photo of a spoon with high PGM's present in the solution that will leave NM residue and not chemistry residue. This spoon is not simple DH2O but a solution of chemistry that flashed off the volatile leaving only metals. All the metals must be stabilized or they flash as PGE have catalyst properties as salts, too.

Close up.........of spoon residue. The solution was pH adjusted so what you see is not spoon surface, but metal on the surface.
No matter what you do, you will get goodies to go both ways.........the trick is get more to go the way want them tooooooo.