How is a Hot HCL bath done?

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Supporting Member
Mar 30, 2016
Northern California
I can't seem to find all the needed information on a hot HCL bath. Do I dilute it 1:20? Or no diluting? How long do I keep pins or fingers in for? And when is this performed? Before everything or after ap and before dissolving of the gold? Thanks for any information.
Hello Rreyes097 and welcome to the best self learning forum there is on the subjects of Precious Metals and other metals reclamation of interest.

In answer to your direct question:
HCL already comes diluted. soak pins or what ever you have to rid of tin... An hour maybe on a hot plate lightly covered but not boiling. This will dissolve tin for the most part before proceeding to what ever method you choose.

However: It's not a good idea so much for plated pins because the base meta includes tin so it'd take a lot of HCL for the purpose.

That being answered: Again, this is an excellent learning forum so if you would, please go to the welcome section and begin your learning journey on the road to which you seek.

And good luck.
Let us know of any questions along the way as well as share your progress.

Ok thank you very much for your time spent answering my questions . But please do understand that I have been reading extensively in the forum and other places. The information I've gathered thus far said to use a diluted 1 and 20 ratio of HCL and H20. So thank you for correcting this. Maybe I'm just not well versed on how to search this forum for the specific information I'm seeking. I've already been given the standard answer of "study, read and read some more! ." Answer. And believe me I have. So when I ask a question please know that I've already searched for the answers myself . So like I said I think my searching skills is what I'm lacking here because im not afraid to study and read to the answers on my own. Thanks again your help and advice is much appreciated.
I don't think I've ever seen a reference to 1:20 HCl:H2O. That would make about a 1.5 percent concentration, based on hardware store grade, and would be about as strong (i.e., as weak) as stomach acid. And that'd be some slow digesting.
HCl:H2O2 ratio is a whole different ball game, and 20:1 there would not be at all silly.

Let's start with a bit more detail about your pins. What exactly do you have that you wish to process? And how much of it?
I have to agree with read and study but if you have tin solder to remove then just use hot HCl, it will remove some other metals, the best method to utilise that is AP, in honesty if you use a bubbler you only need a very small amount of peroxide to get it working.
Before you try any process make sure you know what to expect then you will not be taken by surprise.
The pins are coming from all types of plugs boards and whatnot. Although at the moment I have them separated by how much gold is on them, partially and full plated. But I should separate them further into magnetic and non magnetic right? I've got all the equipment to go reverse electro plating but im not sure if I'm ready for that, but I haven't really heard of a better way to process these pins. Since my first 2 attempts were with AP and my third with ar, the first two I didn't do hot HCL bath to rid of tin and solder, and the AR well that was all bad due to not knowing about the magnetic and non magnetic pins. So im discouraged, right now I have fingers and blank boards in ap, with bubbler and it's slow going. I think due to cold weather and the fact that the boards aren't separated. So after I see that all the foils are off I should wash/boil with water 3 times, then hot HCL bath then wash/ boil with water again?
right now I have fingers and blank boards in ap, with bubbler and it's slow going. I think due to cold weather and the fact that the boards aren't separated. So after I see that all the foils are off I should wash/boil with water 3 times, then hot HCL bath then wash/ boil with water again?
Incinerating your foils first rarely goes unrewarded. Then if you then intend to send them to AR, one wash in HCl after incinerating is probably fine.

Slow going means plenty of reading time. I suggest you concentrate on these fingers for now and leave the pins until you have gained a bit more experience and understanding. Many pins are an annoyance for yield vs energy and it is frequently better to just sell them.
I think pins run at about a gram a pound on average and can be a pain to process for the return you get. I think Jason's advice is sound either save until you have a decent quantity to process or sell on.

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