How long for SMB?? help please

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2013
So i no normally, you let it fall for 24 hours, which i have done with a very nice drop. I have 4 other small batches in coffee pots that have sat for 24 hours, and the drop was terrible. i used 28 grams for 100ml of water. The fluid is a bright yellow, which i know doesnt always mean gold. But my test due confirm good quality with a deep purple. Should i just let it sit longer? Or do i need to add more smb? temperatures outside have been in the mid seventies the last few days with spotty rain. temps at night have been in the mid 50s, does this matter? thanks for any help. tim
I always add gold before drop.
I do have one small button I weight prior adding to solution. When I see reaction stopped or usually next morning I remove button and weight it again.
I drop after that and never had a single issue.

There may be still nitric or chlorine present depend on what your procedure was.
so if i gather right, if there is still chlorine present, it will NOT drop? this was done with A/P solution and all cleaned using directions from the forum. tim
patnor1011 said:
I always add gold before drop.
I do have one small button I weight prior adding to solution. When I see reaction stopped or usually next morning I remove button and weight it again.
I drop after that and never had a single issue.

There may be still nitric or chlorine present depend on what your procedure was.

I cant add a button to compare, this is my first real drop. But i will eventually have one
I observed, that also if I still could smell traces of chlorine or nitric in clean solutions, it dropped, but later, when all smell was gone, I could precipitate a little more. I can remember from my very first AR before I found the forum, the solution was dirty AND I had excess nitric, though not much excess, it dropped even worse. It took some days to drop and the last few 1/10 g I first recovered weeks later via cementation.

So, correct me, if my observations and conclusions are wrong, but the more chlorine or nitric is present and the dirtier the solution is, - the more incomplete and slower it will drop. Also the more diluted the gold is, the slower it will drop.

I think this is at least partly in the line with what I read in Hoke and the forum, partly I didn't read the opposite.

so if i gather right, if there is still chlorine present, it will NOT drop? this was done with A/P solution and all cleaned using directions from the forum. tim

Just I get it right, you mean, you used first AP and then HCl/chlorox on the foils?

If that was he did then all he need to do is to leave it stay overnight or heat it gentle to get rid of chlorine.

I drop from AR so that button is for eliminating last remaining free nitric in solution. I always weight it prior and after so I know how much of gold I "added" to solution.
yup, a/p was run, hcl for cleaning, water for cleaning, hcl/clorox to disipate it then smb to drop. yes i can still smell some clorox, so i will just let it sit, or when i get a chance i will take and give it some more heat. thank you guys. tim

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