how to detect lead in liquid

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Sep 8, 2016
hello....i have been fighting lead poison for quite a while now and i am looking for a way to monitor my progress . I need a way to detect lead in liquid (urine). Does anyone know of a home brew way to detect lead in liquid? Thanks in advance
I'll have to admit that is kind of an odd question to ask. Hot water will put lead into liquid state, that is part of the reason I think that lead is no longer allowed in solder for copper water lines.

If this is such a concern with you then you should go to your regular doctor and they should be able to run the necessary test to determine of you have lead in your system.
Take an exact amount of sample. Add a solution of K dichromate. Yellow lead chromate will precipitate. Wash, dry and weigh
thanks for the replies ..i dont really need to know how much lead is in solution...i just need to know if there is there an easy way to test for the presence of lead?
Your answer is in Lino's post above. Yellow Lead Chromate will precipitate in the presence of lead if you follow his instructions. If it precipitates then it is there. If it doesn't, then it isn't.

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