How to obtain this with gold plated items?

Gold Refining Forum

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New member
Jan 22, 2014
hi i want to know how do I get this gold plating dissolution effect as you can see in all these videos on Youtube:
Aqua regia?
Acid / Peroxide?
and in what percentages / proportions?

I am not even going to waste my time looking at the videos you posted.

To answer your question the best advice I can give you is to begin your study with Hokes book (free download), and study the forum, begin that with the guide to the forum, and the general reaction list in the general chat section, also study dealing with waste in the safety section, these will get you started in learning most any question you will have about recovery and refining gold, videos and information on the internet is not normally a good source to learn from.

Welcome to the gold refining forum where anyone who is serious about learning the ancient scientific skill can learn most anything about it if he is willing to do his homework in study, and where members will help with that learning experience.
Winesalento Butcher is one of the most helpful guys on here and his advice is spot on.
There is no magic easy way to refine gold, if you knew any chemistry you would know that.
If you want to learn its all here on the forum and for free but here it's a self help set up, you read and learn and if you don't understand something ask. We don't hold your hand or give step ny step instructions to all enquiries, no one here is paid its all voluntary so any response takes someone's precious time and most of us just haven't got the time to teach full for free and earn a living.
If you know the basics the search function top right of your screen will yield multiple answers to most questions. I wish you luck and I can tell you now it's a lot of product to get that small button they showed in that video!
Winesaleto your welcome we try to get new members to read so they can follow the various posts and understand what we are all talking about.
You would get more help if we had some background information, I suspect English isn't your first language which can lead to misunderstandings, post where you are from and what you know about refining and I'm sure more help will be on hand if we feel you know enough not to injure yourself, family, neighbours or the environment.
Safety first and last on the forum.

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