I am doing something wrong but I dont know what

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Active member
Jul 28, 2009
I am new to the catalytic converter stuff so I got a DVD from Steve and I have followed all instructions to the letter except I am using sodium nitrate instead of Nitric acid. After I filter my stuff there is no PMs showing up with a stannious test. I do find some in the stuff I filtered out. I just have a problem with the PMs dropping out of solution. What could I be doing wrong?
Are you using zinc to precipitate the mixed PGMs or are you trying to recover the Pt and Pd directly from the poor man's AR solution?

You may need to denoxx the solution if using the latter method.

If you can please explain the steps you followed in detail.

Hi Steve I am just trying to get the PMs out of the beads and the PMs keep falling out of solution. Just the beginning stuff before I even filter it for the first time or anything just boiling the beads. By the way Steve I have about 3lbs of ICs with the legs on them and I dont want them do you? Sorry just read again your answer.

step 1 I put 23grams or sodium Nitrate into water and heated till the sodium Nitrate was dissolved into solution.

step 2 I put 1pound of beads into a coffee pot

step 3 I poured the dissolved sodium nitrate in with the beads

step 4 I put 50ml of HCL in the pot of beads

step 5 I put enough water to cover the beads by at least 3/4inch

step 6 I put the pot of beads on the hot plate and proceeded to boil them for 3 hours

step 7 I let the pot cool just enough to handle and I poured the contents of the pot thru a sieve and then through a filter then through the Charmin plug.

step 8 I do the stannious test on the finished product only to get no reaction

step 9 I test some of the sludge filtered out with stannious and I get a positive reaction

The question is how do I keep the PMs in solution and not in my filter with the junk?
Something sounds odd. Double check your chemicals you are using to be sure nothing is mixed up.

Hi again Steve I was editing my last post when you answered
I have only got the sodium nitrate and HCL what could be easier but it is not working.
Trustworthysole3 said:
Hi Steve I am just trying to get the PMs out of the beads and the PMs keep falling out of solution. Just the beginning stuff before I even filter it for the first time or anything just boiling the beads. By the way Steve I have about 3lbs of ICs with the legs on them and I dont want them do you? Sorry just read again your answer.

step 1 I put 23grams or sodium Nitrate into water and heated till the sodium Nitrate was dissolved into solution.

step 2 I put 1pound of beads into a coffee pot

step 3 I poured the dissolved sodium nitrate in with the beads

step 4 I put 50ml of HCL in the pot of beads

step 5 I put enough water to cover the beads by at least 3/4inch

step 6 I put the pot of beads on the hot plate and proceeded to boil them for 3 hours

step 7 I let the pot cool just enough to handle and I poured the contents of the pot thru a sieve and then through a filter then through the Charmin plug.

step 8 I do the stannious test on the finished product only to get no reaction

step 9 I test some of the sludge filtered out with stannious and I get a positive reaction

The question is how do I keep the PMs in solution and not in my filter with the junk?

Isn't the proper way to make poormans AR to combine HCL/nitrate and then remove the salt that precipitates prior to putting it to work?
Using what I was doing compared to the new way, Is my old way of making AR effective at all like should I redo all the beads I have done? By the way Thank you that explains a lot of failure over the last year.
The poormans recipe I have used is found in the forum handbook page 20.


Combining HCL/nitrate as you did makes AR but with a quantity of salt (sodium chloride) left over. I don't know if the remaining salt would interfere with pgm extraction or cause the problems you are having but I don't believe you need it in there.

When I make some I usually leave it set overnight loosely covered and decant the acid off the top in the morning.

You could run a small sample of the beads you have processed and see if anything is left behind.
Whatever is in the filter never went into solution with so little nitrate and acid. At least not very much of it.

Here's how you should use Poorman's AR to extract beads:

1. Put the beads in the coffee pot.
2. Rinse a few times with boiling tap water to remove the surface carbon, pouring off the rinse water each time.
3. Put fresh tap water in the pot up to 1/2 the level of the beads.
4. Add enough HCl to cover the beads.
5. Turn heat on medium and cover the pot.
6. Add a tablespoon of sodium nitrate and stir.
7. Heat until all the nitrate dissolves and the fizzing stops.
8. Test for PGMs.
9. If beads have bleached white or if each successive stannous test does not darken; end the extraction.
10. Repeat steps 6 to 10 adding water as needed to keep liquid level just over beads.

Where else in the world do you get technical support like that on a product (Steve's DVDs)? I can't count the times Steve answers questions like this that must be on the DVD considering the nature of Steve and him being detail oriented. Not having seen any of Steve's DVDs I hesitate to comment further other to say that with this kind of support you got more than your moneys worth.

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