I have been snookered---

Gold Refining Forum

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New member
May 30, 2011
one to many times on epay buying this stuff to make A/R and it is more then confusing, I am toying with the idea of purchasing the kit that DGR sells or buying the real Nitric and the acid , what is the opinion on this forum about going this way.
kits are hardly ever the best option as your paying for the work someone has already invested in the product usually with a very high mark up on materials. if you can its always better to do the processes your self and that way you know what your dealing with. well at least thats my opinion.
Buying a kit, I thought you were tired of getting taken?

Spend some time reading this forum, download Hoke's book (see book section).
With study and hard work you will be melting pure gold.
Let me tell you it is not easy, you must be dedicated, there is so much to learn.
Most of my lab equipment is found in the second hand store kitchen equipment.
My chemicals are mostly found in grocery stores or hardware stores.
Some of my gold is free from someone's trash.

Do not get taken for another ride, study Hoke's book and the forum.
Reason for this is buying all the powder which I can buy at the feed mill, you might say I am lazy and do not want to mix a bunch of stuff together and hope I get it right. I have all the stuff down to the scale and a vent hood which allows me to work in my heated shack. I have Hoaks book. If I can get one oz of gold it will pay for its self.
Chemical Name:Aqua Regia
CAS Number:20-05-01
Chemical Formula:HNO3 + HCl
Synonyms:Nitrohydrochloric Acid

Detailed Product Description:

This kit provides the constituents necessary to create 500ml of

Aqua Regia. This is an extremely powerful oxidizing solution prepared

from concentrated Nitric Acid (69% HNO3) and concentrated Hydrochloric

Acid (38% HCL).
Depending on what you wish to dissolve you haventhe option to use the HCl chlorox method to use as well and all the chemicals you need are fairly easily available... No kit no extra expense and you will learn something new too.
im not the best to talk but i think im right on this

70$ for half a liter of acid is VERY costly,im in canada hcl is easy and cheap 12$ for a gallon(maybe less if you find the right place).nitric acid is another story,unable to get it delivered... i personnaly had to buy myself a kit for distilation and buy nitrate salt(witch by the way i have use only one time right now i only use hcl cl or ap for everything that i do...)
i dont know what material your gonna refine or recover ,but if you plan to do it on the long therme even as a "hobby" you would be better to invest in basic equipment and a little knowledge(it free here)
that my opinion.....
there's a clearing house here where i live named Mike's Merchandise where i found muriatic acid in the chemical section for $2.50 a gallon, i bought all 24 gallons. 500 ml is slightly more than a US pint and to be honest if you give it a little thought, squeezing 1 OZT of gold from 1 pint of solution is going to be hard to do for a beginner, just saying keep your expectations in perspective.
Hi Wisconsinjimmy, Im not an expert on any of this. I'm just trying to learn too. I do believe I can share With you that there aren't any magic bullets. A lot of the folks have been doing this for a lifetime, and even they sometimes find themselves needing to pull on the knowledge of their friends on this fourm. All of thier combinations of knowledge are here, and if it has not been covered, they're very willing to help. Although they kind of frown on spoon feeding, they only expect us to do a little digging and give it a try first on searching the forum. If you search for Laser Steve's Dvds, that's about as close to spoon feeding that you can get. And the money you save on the kit you're not buying...well... it wont take long to pay for the DVDs... they're a great deal, I have them all...

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