I hope nobody makes this same mistake...

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Well-known member
Feb 29, 2012
East Bay Area, California
I was talking with someone who has an eBay auction up for hard drive platters, and claiming that 10-35 percent of the platters are Platinum. After messaging him and letting him know that his post was wrong, he referred me to a website he obtained the information off of. Here is the site.


I believe he made an honest mistake, but even still if someone who is excited made the same mistake, they could end up loosing a lot of money buying hard drive platters off eBay if they read the ehow post the same as the person selling the platters did. This is where the mistake was made.

Platinum became increasingly common in hard drives in the 2000s, with the metal making up 10 to 35 percent of the magnetic metal in drives around 2010.

The key to understanding this information is in the part that says "10-35 percent of the magnetic metal in the drives" etc. The magnetic metal is only the very fine plating on the hard drive platter. Most of the platter is made up of Al So even if it's 35% the amount of platinum is very very little.

If you think you have found something you can make an instant fortune on, stop, walk away, give it a rest and think about and even ask on this forum before you purchase anything. You might just save yourself a lot of money.


Edited: I wouldn't follow the direction on the ehow site for recovering the platinum. There is no mention of how to properly and responsibly disposing of the Lye solution, as well it's missing steps that should be taken to insure safety, etc. If anyone is recovering platinum from hard drive platters, I would read the pertaining threads on this site, that way you can ask questions and refer to the information here that other members are already familiar with.
And I'll never understand how people can expect to find 1000$ worth of Platinum in a drive they got for 100$ ??????
You usualy get what you pay for (if you are lucky)

Besides, most of the MAGNETIC METAL in HDD's is the Neodynium-Boron magnets, and they contain 0.0000 % PGM !!!

The "leftovers" from aluminium substrate reacting with NaOH is used in production of aluminium.....[NaAl(OH)4].

More info in the link below...


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