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New member
Nov 18, 2014
I have used the AR process on memory fingers with great success. But not I have a lot of gold plated pins very small pins if I use the AR method im not sure how I will separate the pins out of the solution once its done. or is there a better way to process them all together. Any input would be very helpful.

Thank you in Advance.
If you are sure about using AR, there should be no pins left to have to separate. Everybody gets one.
You need to be more clear. AP and AR are two(2) different things. AP is what many people use to do fingers from memory cards, yet AR would work too. The AR method is used to dissolve the pins away and there will be no pins once the process is completed. If you're using AP for the pins, which I tried before, the pins aren't going to dissolve. If you're using AR, then your solution have become either exhausted, or too contaminated to continue.


I see you are a new member - new members are asked &/or required to do some research before asking questions - the reason for this is your question "seems" to be a simple enough one - but the process is more complicated - so trying to answer your question will only lead to more questions "all of which have been asked & answered before" --- so by doing a little research on your own you can find the answers to most questions - also you need to get a basic understanding of all of this before you can fully understand questions to ask & answers given

Start by reading these 3 links




Also the book written by C.M. Hokes is a "must read" --- you will find it as a free down load in the signature line of FrugalRefiner the poster of the 2nd & 3rd links provided above

You have found the best source of information about this in the world - there is a gold mine of info here - we will be more then glad to help you once you have spent some time researching & getting a better understanding & have a better idea of what & how to ask questions

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