I'm having trouble cementing Palladium, help...

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Here are some of the many colors of PdDMG you can encounter as well as a few shots of Pd Sponge, 99.9 fine Pd flake, and calcined Pd.

99.9% Fine Pd Flakes/Powder

Calcined and Sponge Pd high purity

Calcined Pd

Red PdDMG from high nickle solution

Various colors of PDDMG


Green PdDMG (Au contamination)

Washing Green Out of PdDMG with water

PdDMG Washing/Rinsing with HCl


PdDMG after HCl wash

Clean PdDMG precipitate


I found the comment of Gold as contaminant quite funny though :D
Very interesting I will follow this thread.
I am currently processing large volumes of precious metals on a machine made in Turkey but it has some adjusting to do
I find sometimes pd in silver or gold ingot.
I'm currently processing with dmg, but I don't like the mass and the reagent is expensive so I'm thinking to go through zinc, then heat with hcl 32% and analyze.
Or I will get the necessary product to try this method.
I also see that owltech arrives at good results often by starting with cuppelation, nitric attack then different reagent, it has a spectrometer and post its results.

I will do all these techniques starting from the same mass to be treated and I will post my results
Pd dissolved in nitric acid can be precipitated using basic DMG solution prepared by 4Metals description already referenced. The pH of the nitrate solution must remain acidic throughout the process. The collected yellow Pd-DMG compound is collected, washed with water several times and finally calcined.

Are those turbine engine compressor blades/guide veins?...if so, were those plated with PGM's....nice pic's
Yes they are Pd/Au brazed stators. All the Pd you see in the pictures in that post are from them. It was a nice batch to run.

StreetTips says you cannot process Pd outside or in your garage without it getting on you and into you, period ! The images appear to be outside and lots of processing of highly toxic material. Do you wear a full chem suit with re-breather or scuba tank while processing this much Pd ?
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StreetTips says you cannot process Pd outside or in your garage without it getting on you and into you, period ! The images appear to be outside and lots of processing of highly toxic material. Do you wear a full chem suit with re-breather or scuba tank while processing this much Pd ?
I'll leave this one to you Steve :eek:
Pd can be safely processed without a full chemical suit and/or mask. I've been processing many ounces of it for 10 years+ and get my blood tested annually for heavy metals. I have no allergic reactions around Pd, skin or respiratory.

Key points to Pd safety:
1) work outdoors or in a fume hood.
2) don't allow Pd compounds or salts to dry out keep them wet or in sealed containers.
3) don't touch and/or eat around Pd salts/compounds.
4) process Pd solutions fully and don't keep them in liquid form in your lab.
5) keep all Pd reactions covered while heating.
6) wear gloves at all times.
7) only work with fine refined metallic Pd dusts, powders, and flakes while wearing proper PPE (gloves and mask).
8) never incinerate Pd containing scrap or compounds without extremely good ventilation.
9) Immediately clean all lab ware and other equipment that comes in contact with Pd and its compounds.
10) use common sense to prevent inhalation or contact with bare skin of any form of Pd (refined powder, salts, liquids) with the exception of fused metal palladium.

Stay safe.

hello fabriciomnarvaez

I am new member here, and Very low knowledge about refinering.

I just want to share my experience with you.

I'm process Pyrite Ore in Jambi Indonesia, that contains lot of elements, like : palladium, nickel, iron, aluminium, sulfur, and silica.

in the beggining of production, I was frustated, I used lot of base, acid, electrochemichal, etc methode to get palladium from it.
I tested lot of technique. I used formic acid, Copper, DMG, KI, etc to cemment palladium. and none of it works.
I faced more than 5 times, like your conditions.

then with highly patient over than 2 month try and errors. I realize lot of things. And learn.

For your conditions, From my experience, I think Lot of metals are dissolve by your reactions, especially iron. And Dmg participate it too. Some times "Kalium" Makes all dissolving not worked.

I Think you can do some methode for your condition now and next.

For now,
Methode 1 is,
For your DMG, furnance it to become metals. Use NaOH + Borax.
For your solutions, participate all of metals by zink, then furnance it too with NaOH + Soda Ash + Borax
Combine the metals then Dissolve all base metals with H2SO4, filtrate and wash it with Hot water. Then you can dissolve Fe with HF until all FE dissolve. filtrate it and wash. Then use HNO3 to dissolve Pd then you can use dmg, or formic acid, or KI to cement it.

For next time
Methode 2.
Try to clear all base metals, Carbon, and all Alkaline from your material. I suggested that you would use H2SO5 or Piranha Solutions. This will safe you from lot of dissolving works. use 3:1 H2SO4 + H2o2.

Be carefully, H2SO5 is very corrosive to skin and organic material.

After that, you can filtrate material and use nitric acid to dissolve Palladium, and use DMG for highly selective reagent.

If you don't want to use H2SO5, You can melt all material by Furnance it become metals. and selectively dissolve it with H2SO4, then HF, then HNO3. and purify it with DMG.

That's all.
Thank you

#Sorry for my bad english
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hello fabriciomnarvaez

I am new member here, and Very low knowledge about refinering.

I just want to share my experience with you.

I'm process Pyrite Ore in Jambi Indonesia, that contains lot of elements, like : palladium, nickel, iron, aluminium, sulfur, and silica.

in the beggining of production, I was frustated, I used lot of base, acid, electrochemichal, etc methode to get palladium from it.
I tested lot of technique. I used formic acid, Copper, DMG, KI, etc to cemment palladium. and none of it works.
I faced more than 5 times, like your conditions.

then with highly patient over than 2 month try and errors. I realize lot of things. And learn.

For your conditions, From my experience, I think Lot of metals are dissolve by your reactions, especially iron. And Dmg participate it too. Some times "Kalium" Makes all dissolving not worked.

I Think you can do some methode for your condition now and next.

For now,
Methode 1 is,
For your DMG, furnance it to become metals. Use NaOH + Borax.
For your solutions, participate all of metals by zink, then furnance it too with NaOH + Soda Ash + Borax
Combine the metals then Dissolve all base metals with H2SO4, filtrate and wash it with Hot water. Then you can dissolve Fe with HF until all FE dissolve. filtrate it and wash. Then use HNO3 to dissolve Pd then you can use dmg, or formic acid, or KI to cement it.

For next time
Methode 2.
Try to clear all base metals, Carbon, and all Alkaline from your material. I suggested that you would use H2SO5 or Piranha Solutions. This will safe you from lot of dissolving works. use 3:1 H2SO4 + H2o2.

Be carefully, H2SO5 is very corrosive to skin and organic material.

After that, you can filtrate material and use nitric acid to dissolve Palladium, and use DMG for highly selective reagent.

If you don't want to use H2SO5, You can melt all material by Furnance it become metals. and selectively dissolve it with H2SO4, then HF, then HNO3. and purify it with DMG.

That's all.
Thank you

#Sorry for my bad english
Your English is not a problem.

Your methods on the other hand are.
Piranha solution have NO use in neither extraction nor refining.
It is funny though that you are trying advise one of our most skilled members with his own Labs.
He has his own teaching videos for refining, maybe you should buy one?

Have you had an proper assay on your ore so you know there are Pd in there.
And are you sure there is no toxic elements like Cd, Hg, and As in there?

Have you studied the links I gave you yet?
Aqui estão algumas das muitas cores de PdDMG que você pode encontrar, bem como algumas fotos de Pd Sponge, flocos finos de Pd 99,9 e Pd calcinado.

99,9% Flocos/Pó de Pd Fino

Pd calcinado e esponja de alta pureza

Pd calcinado

Vermelho PdDMG da solução de alto níquel

Várias cores de PDDMG


Verde PdDMG (contaminação por Au)

Lavagem Verde de PdDMG com água

PdDMG Lavagem/Enxágue com HCl


PdDMG após lavagem com HCl

Precipitado de PdDMG limpo

Hi .dmg in concentrated hydrochloric acid
Does it precipitate the palladium or should the hydrochloric acid be diluted??
Hi .dmg in concentrated hydrochloric acid
Does it precipitate the palladium or should the hydrochloric acid be diluted??
Hello budy, how are you ? Whenever I used DMG, there was nitric in the solution too and yes it dilutes the solution (if you don't do this the acid redilutes the pDMG). I've never done it with hydrochloric alone. But you can try to hurry up.

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