I'm I reading the wiki wrong?

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Active member
Mar 22, 2010
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold(III)_chloride says or seems to say that auric chloride will preceip gold with hydrogen peroxide? So why does everyone one use SMB? Seems to be easier to get and less expensive to use peroxide?!?!?!?
I watched this too, they call H2O2 a reducing agent,
probably a "pen mistake" since they cite some text
Well the gurus on here have never mentioned using it and they know what works...so I'd say just sticking with SMB but was curious about that whole thing when I read it...prolly may percipitate but not selectively as mentioned or something.
When something doesn't make sense on Wikipedia,double check the info somewhere else as anybody can change stuff,or add wrong info.It is a good source of info,but sometimes people play games by changing stuff,or unknowingly add bad info.

according to wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_peroxide

In acidic solution, H2O2 is one of the most powerful oxidizers known—stronger than chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and potassium permanganate. Also, through catalysis, H2O2 can be converted into hydroxyl radicals (.OH), which are highly reactive.

In aqueous solution, hydrogen peroxide can oxidize or reduce a variety of inorganic ions. When it acts as a reducing agent, oxygen gas is also produced.

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