in need of info already read HOKE'S still reading also

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Did you read my reply to your first post? (Make mine a cheeseburger)
If you hope to receive guidance, it serves no purpose to post a question without disclosing all of the information. How is one to know what you've done, and with what you started?

My typical reply to the new guy is to read. Read Hoke, then read Hoke again. If you had done this, you wouldn't be asking this question, nor would you ask questions that make no sense, this one being a good example.

We do not read minds on this forum---and we discourage posting by those who don't understand the basics, as all they do is ask questions that evolve from the answers they received from their previous question. That wouldn't happen if the reader understood the basics.

So then, my friend, please download Hoke's book and start reading.

I have downloaded it weeks ago but I don't completely understand it and still reading it again and again. I have these batches that I am running and I will let them set in murtic acid and peroxide to dissolve the base metals and at that point I add more peroxide to make sure the reaction is complete then run thru AR bath and its green

Hello, I would like to help you, but to do this you will need to understand a few things.

First you need to understand very basic principles, you will not learn these by jumping in head first, or by asking questions of how to get out of a problem.

Before we can learn to fly an airplane there are things we need to learn, basic principles of flying, and how to control the airplane, and landing lessons.

It sounds like you are trying to take that airplane for a joy ride before you have had any understanding of the principles of flying, or even had any practice, or even learned how the airplane operates.

You cannot expect to become an expert pilot in a few weeks or even a few months, it takes time to learn and gain skills needed to do your solo flights.

From your question it is clear you have no understanding, of even the most basic principles.
So in my opinion you should not be trying the things you are now, not only are you wasting your time, and not only will you be losing the gold you are hoping to get but you are also taking a chance at hurting your self or others.

Listen carefully to what Harold has told you, following his advice will help you learn to recover and refine gold.

If you do not understand Hokes book, or the principles that she teaches, you should not be trying process, " I have these batches that I am running", this sounds like I have jumped into the airplane and heading over the mountains, help how do I land the airplane? I looked at the simulation flight manual for this plane and I did not understand it, I think I can learn to fly just by trying, I just have a few questions like what do all of these gauges and knobs and levers do in this plane...

Put a solid bar of copper in your solution, this will cement any values out of solution as black powder, brush off anything that sticks to the copper bar, and let solution settle.

Remove liquid without disturbing powders, dry the powders and store them.

To this liquid add a sheet of steel or iron, stir solution, this will cement copper.

Again decant solution (you can dry and save the copper if you wish).

Now raise the pH of the liquid to a pH of 9, this pH is important as this is where most of the base metals are removed from solution, but not all metals.

Let solution settle a few days, and decant liquid from the gelatinous hydroxide soup, dry these hydroxides. We will add more to them in the step below.

The solution now will need to be neutralized with some acid, bringing the pH to 7, this will form some more base metal hydroxides, let these settle, the solution will clear of color leaving you with salt water, after settled decant the salt water from the hydroxide goop and dry.

Take the dried hydroxides and incinerate them to form oxides (hydroxides are water soluble, oxides are not as soluble and are safer for the environment).

You can take the saltwater solution, and your dried oxides powders to a waste disposal facility.
(or you can even evaporate your salt water to crystal salt before taking it, an old electric crock pot works well for that).

Now put up the acids in a safe place, and go back, and get Hokes book, read and study it, and the forum until you do understand what is being taught. basically get those flying lessons first, understand that airplane before attempting to fly.

You have a good chance to learn this skill, it will not be easy, it will not come fast, it is not hard if you do not get impatient and spend the time needed to understand it first, you will not do that by trying to process before you have done your homework.

If you need some help ask, but only after you have spent time with study, so far it does not look like you have done that work yet.

I would not add aluminum to the acid to cement copper, the aluminum hydroxide is terribly hard to deal with in the waste stream it is a voluminous gooey mess hard to dry or get the liquid out of. Iron will work far better at cementing the copper from solution and give you a base metal hydroxide much easier to deal with.

Read the topic dealing with waste in the safety section.
Read Hoke's book until it does make sense.
Be patient you will learn to fly in good time, collect your scrap while you study.
thank you for your advice and I will continue to study Hoke's guide to refining I tried My first run and guess I wasn't ready for it and by the way it was an old 9kt ring that I ran though my batch
Cement the gold out, and save your gold.


Really study and understanding before you fly, is the only way to fly.

You are just learning the first lesson most all of us had to learn in the beginning, this skill takes time, understanding, and patience (even to begin to learn), and a heck of a lot of work studying to learn, and then some practice, and a lot more study and patience to keep learning more.

Harold say's he could teach a monkey to refine, but before that could happen the monkey would have to listen to what he is told, I listened to Harold, and in a manner he was right (He help me to learn). :lol:
Listen to Harold's advice.
I guess from the comment about 9k that you are UK based.
Listen to what the guys are telling you for your own safety and so you don't lose any of your gold.
Read the safety section here on the forum as many of the chemicals and processes we use create hazardous gases and solutions or are dangerous in themselves.
I'm sure it comes across as if all the elders here are been mean and don't want to help newbies but that isn't the case, we just want everybody to understand at least the basics and for everyone to be safe.
Read Hoke several times and then several more times, research here on the forum and visit lazersteves site and Goldnscrap they are both trusted sites with good information presented by long standing members.
Read read read and if a point doesn't make sense ask a question, if your doing your part and trying to learn replies will be forthcoming, don't read and we will all know and replies simply won't appear.
Good luck and as Christmas is coming you should have time to read 8)
no I am in the US I had bought an old old ring that said 9kt so after weeks on reading hoke guide I thought I would give it a try. to my success it was a fail I do understand a lot of hoke's guide just didn't understand why I had so much copper in the AR bath. so my next question is should I have gave it a second AP bath before the AR yes at about 4am this morning I found where Hoke's talks about cementing out the gold using copper in the guide. Yes I am a NOOBIE to this but I can read a half a million times and not understand it all "like a doctor doesn't learn from just books, he has had some hands on experience" thanks for all the info that you gents. have gave me and I will do more studying before my next attempt :!:
Just like that doctor we need some bookwork and study before we can perform heart surgery.
The doctor may spend ten years in the books before trying to remove your heat, you had better hope he done his homework before he tried it.

Just keep studying, you just started this, keep reading before you know it the lights will come on and you will see.

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