introducing Goldylox

Gold Refining Forum

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:D Hi everyone! I am very excited to be a new member of this forum. as far as my experience in refining goes I have almost none, however I am quite experienced in the field of chemistry, specifically the manufacture and distillation of nitric acid. I am an undergraduate mechanical engineer aspiring to be an energetic materials specialist through NM tech. Also I have had many years of experience studying electronics. This is what led me to become interested in refining, not to mention the dent that college is leaving in my wallet :roll: . I have recently come across a collection of electrical equipment from the early 70's. it is just dripping with gold. I have even found a planar memory stack in it! with such an epic find on my hands I thought I should do some research on refining, and thats how I stumbled upon this forum. Best regards to all!

Ps: This porridge is just right :wink:
Well, well, well...

Welcome Goldylox. I'd be glad to share any of my knowledge if you want ;) Just ask if you have any questions 8)
Glad to have you aboard. If you could share some pictures of your finds before processing them that would be awesome. What part of the country were you able to find your little gold mine?
I found it at an abandoned asylum in Maryland, and after talking to the security guard, i was able to get permission to salvage electronics from the place. There are literally halls of electronic equipment just lying around waiting to be thrown away. That is if I hadn't taken the initiative to see what i could do :D. unfortunately my camera is broken so I wont be able to take any pictures for a while, but I am working on remedying that situation. I think the pc boards are called "Flip Chips" and a few seem to becovered in gold, not just the fingers.
best of luck,

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