Gold Refining Forum

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Feb 25, 2008
Hi all freinds
I have read an article but I didn't know weather is this information true or not
the writer said.
1-Put 15g of potassuim in 5 liter of distillated water in a large plastic plate
2- tow bars of graphite
3- Put a small cup made of glass in side this solution
4-Put the scrape in side and wait about 5 minutes
5-Get the graphite bars one bar inside the glass cup the ather outside
6-connect these bars to a battery charger 12v
7-The bar in the cup should be +the othe wil be -
8-Wait 5 minutes and then disconnect the electricity
9-Be aware the evaporation is so dangerous and harmful steay away for5 minutes then take the cup. smelt it is pure gold
My Question is
Hmmm, I would refrain from putting potassium in water, certainly not 15g. Metal potassium as well as sodium react very violently with water, producing hydrogen, and sparks, small amounts, <1g, will tend to float due to the hydrogen evolved at the metal surface keeping it buoyant, 15g would sink and this is where things get messy, chances are you will get an explosion.

Be Safe



Please notice that I got rid of the all large type you've used in this thread and some of your other posts. Don't use it any more. It's like you're screaming at me and it's very annoying. That I had to waste 10 minutes of my life changing it is also annoying.

That said,

I have no idea what you're talking about, especially in steps 1 through 5. Surely you don't mean potassium in step 1. Don't you mean something like potassium cyanide or other potassium compound? Try harder to explain what you're doing.
goldsilverpro said:

Please notice that I got rid of the all large type you've used in this thread and some of your other posts. Don't use it any more. It's like you're screaming at me and it's very annoying. That I had to waste 10 minutes of my life changing it is also annoying.

That said,

I have no idea what you're talking about, especially in steps 1 through 5. Surely you don't mean potassium in step 1. Don't you mean something like potassium cyanide or other potassium compound? Try harder to explain what you're doing.
I am sorry ,I promise you not to do it again
I am asking about the truth.

I would forget everything you have read, seen or heard, about recovering and refining metals, and learn it all over again, study Hokes, book and the forum and then you too will see what is true.

There is so much half truths, and plain miss-information about this subject, but here on the forum you will be amazed at the information that has been gathered together, and kept accurate as we possibly can, this information has been discussed, and tried, you can spend years here studying and still not learn it all, but if you do not take advantage and study while you have this opportunity you will not learn it either, A gold mine of information and all you have to do is dig into it and get In-Rich-ed

You will not learn by asking questions, you learn by study and practice, then asking questions when you cannot find the answer or you find something you just cannot understand.

Welcome to the forum, maybe study a while so your not just asking silly questions, but questions that will help you grow.

Hoke's book is in the book section, it is the first thing that will help you get on the same page as the rest of us, this is available as a free download, this book is a treasure in it’s own right, throughout history men would have fought and died to be able to read a book like this, you would be a fool not to read it, if you did wish to learn to recover and refine gold.
From Wikipedia


A reaction of potassium metal with water. Hydrogen is liberated that burns with a pink or lilac flame, the flame color owing to burning potassium vapor. Strongly alkaline potassium hydroxide is formed in solution.Potassium reacts very violently with water producing potassium hydroxide (KOH) and hydrogen gas.

2 K (s) + 2 H2O (l) → 2 KOH (aq) + H2↑ (g)
This reaction is exothermic and releases enough heat to ignite the resulting hydrogen. It in turn may explode in the presence of oxygen.
If there is any truth to it, it is talking about potassium cyanide not potassium metal. Dr. Poe

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