Is Temprature a Factor

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Jul 18, 2010
I am getting ready to mix up my SMB and try dropping my Gold, Problem is my shops Tempature is 40-50 Degrees with the chemicals about the same, Will this have any effect?
Many experts here recommend chilling the solution prior to adding SMB.

Don't do it while solution is still hot because, the SMB tends to fizzle on the surface. You want the gas to bubble thru your solution

I hope this helps.

My experience has been harder to drop my auric chloride when temps are so low in my work area. I have solved this by slowly heating diluted HCL/CL with a heat plate(not very hot,just warm). However, I still have a problem w/ultra fine gold particles floating to top of the rinse water, and then poured out down the drain.
joehast said:
My experience has been harder to drop my auric chloride when temps are so low in my work area. I have solved this by slowly heating diluted HCL/CL with a heat plate(not very hot,just warm). However, I still have a problem w/ultra fine gold particles floating to top of the rinse water, and then poured out down the drain.

use a spray bottle set to soon as you spray the top of the liquid the gold will fall to the bottom.
Joe, it seems to me you still have too much clorox present & that's why the gold won't "drop". When you heat the solution, you get rid of it, then the gold "drops". That's why its recommended to "heat before you drop" your HCl/Cl solution.
The colder the temp, the longer the clorox stays in solution.

Like Geo suggested, spray, it works.
Run the solution thru a filter in order to recover does fine particles; stannous test the solution for PM's before neutralizing & pouring down the drain.

Take care & be safe!

Hey thanks, I've been trying the spray bottle, and I know all the Clorox is gone. It's just basically water now, but some of the gold is so fine it wants to float on top. I'm sure it's miniscule but still hate to pour out gold. I think patience is important. Also I was wondering if I put a couple drops of Jet dry in bottle if that might sink the floating gold film.
you may can put a small drop of dish detergent on your finger tip and touch the top of the liquid.the surfactant will break the water tension and any thing on top should settle.
I use a large clear battery jar to store my rinse water and a similar one to store my HCl/Clorox after a drop. After it sits for a few weeks everything has fully settled and I can pour or siphon liquid off the top, then add more rinse water to it.

The HCl from my gold powder rinses gets used to dissolve pins since it's still very active.
Working with dirty vessels or materials, (not incinerating), organics, oils, too much base metals can give you much trouble.

I have some very fine gold powders which sink fast every time I add water or and acid to them, they sink very fast and completely every time, cleanliness is a key factor.

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