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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
I have several grams of black powder I removed from my waste bucket.It contains a fair amout of silver and hopefully gold.If i use HCL/Clorox will this just dissovle the gold and let me filter out the Ag Cl ?
If you are wishing to separate gold from silver chloride sediments then yes, HCL with sodium hypochlorite added will digest the gold leaving silver chloride behind for the most part.
Is the solution in the waste bucket barren? If you have powder in the bottom you may also have dissolved values in the solution. I add copper bars to my waste solutions and let them sit for several days before collecting the powders from the bottom.

There are no guarantees the powders have value.

Silver chloride is soluble in warm 10% NH4OH (ammonium hydroxide). If any silver chloride is in the sludge you'll get a purple/blue solution with your silver in it. Stir good and let the NH4OH react for a 30 minutes to an hour before you allow the solution to settle. Siphon off the purple/blue colored liquid into a beaker four times larger than the volume of the NH4OH and rinse the sediment several times with distilled water, combining the siphoned rinses with the purple liquid.

Do not allow this purple solution to sit or dry out!! Explosive silver complexes can form. Go immediately to the next step and complete the procedure!

Slowly acidify the purple liquid (lots of heat is produced) with 32% HCl, add enough until the thick white fumes are no longer formed when the HCl bottle cap is removed while near the mouth of the beaker with the purple/blue liquid in it. Any dissolved silver will from a nice clean white precipitate (silver chloride) that can be converted to silver by several means demonstrated on video from my website. This white precipitate will turn purple when exposed to bright light.

The resulting silver is melted into anodes and refined in the silver cell as demonstrated on my A to Z Silver refining DVD. The liquid is now a transparent blue-green colored, or possibly even clear and the solution should be safe to add to the ammonium chloride stock pot.

The remaining sediment can be processed with your favorite method of dissolving finely divided gold.

Good luck, some stock pot residues can be very rewarding, but don't get your hopes up and convince yourself you have more than you do until you see the final pure metals.

Well what i was asking seems to be working.Most of my gold comes from cpu's that have alot of silver in them.The buttons i had tested was about 22kt and i guess due to silver content.I was trying to avoid having to torch my powder to remove Hcl and treat with nitric to remove the silver but after several essays of 22 kt i guess thats what i will have to do and please some of you well known guro's and me still being a beginner chim in .Ya'lls two cents is greatly appericiated.
If you are not sure of the purity of your gold, refine it again while it is still in powder form.

Three 9's gold (999) is easily produced using the methods on the forum if you follow the correct process to the letter. If you cut corners and skip steps or use any other shortcut, your gold will always be crusty and dirty.

Silver is easily removed by using the proper techniques.

Again thanks Steve for all your info and all you comments are takein to heart and will be used .Thanks everybody for being here to help us new comerson the long road to becomeing called refiners.

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