Is this system any good for recovering gold and platinum?

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they describe how to do gold and plat and even have a small 500.00 machine to do it?
You can save yourself a hell of a lot of money if you do not buy it and read through the forum. It may take a while to absorb everything in the forum, but it is well worth the time and you will realize those systems are a waste of money as it can all be done without a fancy and pricey thing :p
Your better off learning how to properly prepare, leach and recover the gold rather than paying for an over-priced system. Take the time to do a little research.

what about the subzero as substitute for nitric acid? would that be sodium nitrate?
89ragtopgt said:
they describe how to do gold and plat and even have a small 500.00 machine to do it?
Pay attention to my sig line. There is no better advice.

Everything you need to know to refine gold properly is contained in that book.

Usual disclaimers apply. I am not affiliated in any way with the book, or its sales.
