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Gold Refining Forum

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Name : Rick Lindsey
Sex : M
Age : 33
Location : North Central Iowa
Profession : Business owner
Hobbies : Too many to name...but mainly dealing with computers
Interrests : as above
How long have you been refining gold? : never....actual interest is in catalytic converters
What are you looking for in our community? : to increase my general knowledge of chemestry, and to figure out how to process my own converters
How did you discovered our Forum? : Google search led me to YouTube, in which I saw a video that led me here
Other :Well, got a lot of learning to do, and I hope you guys are up to the challenge. :D I am looking at expanding my business into automotive recycling, and want to learn more about what metals I might find, where I would find them(I already know about copper windings in alternator and starter as well as platinum in cat, platinum spark plugs, and oxygen sensor).

I also come across a lot of old computer parts as part of my hobbies. I would like to know where precious metals are found, and how best to retreive them.

Any and all help this community is willing to offer will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Welcome Avarial !
And good luck in your catalytic converters refining process.

By the way Aflac, your video had some success ! ;)
and looks like you picked a pretty good time to join as Steve's got some iron's in the fire in that direction and of course there are the actionmining set.

Wish you luck as well. also of folks here have heaps of knowledge so don't be afraid to ask. we have a heck of a group here.

Thank you Noxx for your support. Love the idea behind the forums. So far, have already learned a lot.

Loco.....since you brought up actionmining, have you, or anybody else on this forum used either of their systems, or a similar system sold on platinumills.com? I also saw video about a Afftech 10000PC, but have yet to google it to find out anything about it. Also, does anyone know of, or maybe used any other systems designed solely around catalytic converter recycling?

LaserSteve....LUV your site. I am currently watching all your videos(although on my limited connection, they take an awfully long time to DL). I actually went out and bought most of the equipment you have used in your videos to get started. Honestly, I wish I would have found this site about a year ago, as I have been recycling computers that long. It is making me sick now after watching your video thinking about how much more recycling I could have been doing....AND HOW MUCH MONEY I HAVE THROWN AWAY!!!!! (Sorry about that yelling, but am felling a bit better now)
I just found this thread. You would think i would have seen it.
Welcome to the forum Avarial. The Afftech 10000 will not be you best best. It is geared to silver and gold. Though with some mods it might work, but doubtful. Not to mention the price tag. :shock:

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