making litharge

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Jun 7, 2013
Hello all

I have a little difficult to find litharge in my country. Can anyone tell me how to make litharge from lead metal?
Thanks before for the answer.

Best reagards

Where are you located? Making your own litharge is pretty dangerous as you have a good chance of getting lead poisoning.

What would you like to use it for, there may be better alternatives than making your own litharge.
This is how I would make litharge. Lead nitrate decomposes at about 420°C. The NO2 is scrubbed/dissolved into lots of water to make HNO3. Just for the safety an exhaust is installed. But this process has some possible dangers, so you need to know, what you are doing, know the msds'es and you need a safe environment.


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Westerngs said:

Where are you located? Making your own litharge is pretty dangerous as you have a good chance of getting lead poisoning.

What would you like to use it for, there may be better alternatives than making your own litharge.

Hello Westerngs

I'm in indonesia. I'm a gold refiner in here, Now i want to trying in recovery from gold mine's tailing.because of thay I want to try fire assay using litharge. But i can't find it in here. Sometimes i bought jewelry dust too and i want making a good estimation for me and the seller.
solar_plasma said:
This is how I would make litharge. Lead nitrate decomposes at about 420°C. The NO2 is scrubbed/dissolved into lots of water to make HNO3. Just for the safety an exhaust is installed. But this process has some possible dangers, so you need to know, what you are doing, know the msds'es and you need a safe environment.

Hello Solar_plasma

Thanks for your reply and you picture. Very appreciate with that.
May i ask, for the first elemeyer, Is it empty elemeyer or do you filled with water?
If i want to making a large production, just say around 2 kgs of litharge.
Can i change it with stainless stell vessel Like distillation vessel?

Best regards

Handy purwanto
handypur said:
solar_plasma said:
This is how I would make litharge. Lead nitrate decomposes at about 420°C. The NO2 is scrubbed/dissolved into lots of water to make HNO3. Just for the safety an exhaust is installed. But this process has some possible dangers, so you need to know, what you are doing, know the msds'es and you need a safe environment.

Hello Solar_plasma

Thanks for your reply and you picture. Very appreciate with that.
May i ask, for the first elemeyer, Is it empty elemeyer or do you filled with water?
If i want to making a large production, just say around 2 kgs of litharge.
Can i change it with stainless stell vessel Like distillation vessel?

Best regards

Handy purwanto

I do not advise anything, I showed how I would do it. I know exactly nothing about large productions. But one thing for sure, making 2kg is extremely more dangerous than making 1 g like in this little school experiment. Lots of NO2 gas and only one breath and your lung is damaged for your lifetime -well, if you survive. So, what you need is a chemical engineer or that kind.

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