hey im new here and was woundering if anyone has an easy way to recover the gold from the melting dishes?
Harold_V said:If you've used a decent amount of flux when melting, you shouldn't have much gold in the dish. I recall a purple haze around the tops of such dishes, along with some fine beads that failed to agglomerate with the general mass. To recover those, simply melt a button of gold, then roll it around the dish, touching the tiny droplets. They'll gladly join the mother load, assuming you have the dish fluxed properly. Too much is not good, nor is too little. For the record, the flux in your melting dish should be water clear, with no other color than purple. If it is anything more than that, the gold you're melting is not pure and should be refined.
If your flux is dirty, what works quite well is to heat the dish to redness, then sprinkle soda ash on the surface. Repeat, keeping a close watch on the dish. Soda ash will slowly liquify and thin the old flux, and will also dissolve the dish. It reduces the oxides of other metals, forming beads of metal that you swore were not there originally. Once you have the flux quite fluid, it doesn't hurt to introduce more borax. You'll know when you've taken the operation far enough, for the dish will have been returned to an almost new like condition, although it will now be thinner than it once was. When you have the dish cleaned to your satisfaction, pour the flux and metal into a cone mold to recover the button of metal without a struggle. Be careful when doing this operation------it's easy to actually dissolve a hole in the dish.
I had an asbestos pan that I used for all melting purposes. Anything that may have escaped from a melting dish was caught in the pan. I recommend one, but you are unlikely to find the asbestos today-----considering it is no longer considered wise to machine, and has been removed from the market.
Here's a picture of the pan I used to use, along with various ingot molds.
You can almost look at flux as a lubricant for molten metals. It serves various purposes, the most important being to absorb oxides, so you don't have a film of contaminants on the surface of metals. When you do have, it's difficult to get melted bits to agglomerate. If you've tried melting gold powder, especially dirty gold powder, without flux, you know that it resists forming a common mass. A pinch of flux and it quickly flows together.skyline27 said:What does flux do anyway? I recently melted gold for the first time. I used borax according to my instructions but I really don't understand it's purpose.