Hi again to all.
I bought an electric-furnace (2Kg - 1300W - 1150 °C) .
(an used one, i payed less then half)
I had 2 graphite furnace-crucibles with it. One of them still containing about 100gr of solidificated silver in it.
That was a great thing to TEST the furnace, i tought.
Ok I tried it, and it seems to work fine... BUT i encountered some problems i really will not want to see again when i'll start to melt gold in it!
Once liquified the silver, i used the accessory gave me to keep up the crucible and fall into a inox container.
1st problem: really hard to manage an incandescent crucible with that... Not a problem to keep the crucible out, but really hard to move it to empty down (see 1st photo pls, i keep it up from the larger part of the cilinder, but very instable!).
2nd problem: not all the silver contained came down! A third part resisted in the bottom part of the crucible. (and i understood why l8er...)
3rd problem: i think guy who used this before, never used BORAX in the crucible, so parts of silver are around of the graphite (into).
4th problem: i removed mechanically last part of the bottom crucible once cooled. And what i got was a mix (i think) of silver and graphite powder.
Now... My questions to you, erudites
a) Will i experience same problem with gold too ? I mean... If i use a lot of borax in those crucibles, will i drop "all" gold contained in "uncontaminatd" mode easly ?
b) DO yuo think i have to buy new crucibles to melt gold, or can i clean those to use again ? And if i can, simply remove it from internal surface ?
c) Does exist any way to clean that silver from graphite ?
d) What can i use to manage easily incandescent crucibles ? Another accessory i dont know ?
Thanx 4 help, guyz.
I bought an electric-furnace (2Kg - 1300W - 1150 °C) .
(an used one, i payed less then half)
I had 2 graphite furnace-crucibles with it. One of them still containing about 100gr of solidificated silver in it.
That was a great thing to TEST the furnace, i tought.
Ok I tried it, and it seems to work fine... BUT i encountered some problems i really will not want to see again when i'll start to melt gold in it!
Once liquified the silver, i used the accessory gave me to keep up the crucible and fall into a inox container.
1st problem: really hard to manage an incandescent crucible with that... Not a problem to keep the crucible out, but really hard to move it to empty down (see 1st photo pls, i keep it up from the larger part of the cilinder, but very instable!).
2nd problem: not all the silver contained came down! A third part resisted in the bottom part of the crucible. (and i understood why l8er...)
3rd problem: i think guy who used this before, never used BORAX in the crucible, so parts of silver are around of the graphite (into).
4th problem: i removed mechanically last part of the bottom crucible once cooled. And what i got was a mix (i think) of silver and graphite powder.
Now... My questions to you, erudites
a) Will i experience same problem with gold too ? I mean... If i use a lot of borax in those crucibles, will i drop "all" gold contained in "uncontaminatd" mode easly ?
b) DO yuo think i have to buy new crucibles to melt gold, or can i clean those to use again ? And if i can, simply remove it from internal surface ?
c) Does exist any way to clean that silver from graphite ?
d) What can i use to manage easily incandescent crucibles ? Another accessory i dont know ?
Thanx 4 help, guyz.