I missed this question from Topher here in this tread back when he first posted it - so he sent me a PM asking the same question (which I answered in a PM)
Because I provided a link to this thread as part of my answer in another recent question about stannic tin - I thought I would up date this thread with the answer I sent Topher in a PM - that answer (to Topher) was as follows ------------
Hokes page 71 says --- "If you still have some tin paste, left over from an earlier experiment, try the effect of sulphuric acid upon it. . . It dissolves it, whether dilute or concentrated."
But it doesn't --- not really - though it does have "some" effect on the stannic tin it does not actually truly dissolve it - it more or less brakes it down into an ultra fine colloid - much the same as NaOH as explained here by Chris :arrow:
Dealing with gray metastanate gunk
So - if there is just a "small" amount of stannic tin - it will put it into suspension long enough for the foils to settle & then decant it - washing "most" (but not all) off
Or - it makes it fine enough that much of it (but not all) will pass through a filter (can't use a paper filter as the sulfuric will ash the paper)
So - although it will help to "reduce" the amount of stannic tin (if you started with a "small" amount of stannic tin in the first place) it wont eliminate all of it
The reason I know this to be true is that I tried it (about 4 or 5 years ago) on some stannic tin (a LOT of stannic tin - like a couple cups full) that had "some" (very little) "ultra" fine foils tied up in it
So I figured I would (as suggested by Hokes) "dissolve" the stannic tin away with sulfuric --- I started using concentrated sulfuric - it did not dissolve the stannic tin & the foils where so fine that by the time they settled - most of the tin did as well - leaving a somewhat cloudy ( stannic tin in suspense) solution
So I tried diluting it --- same result - thought maybe I just didn't use enough sulfuric to dissolve all the tin (stannic) so added more sulfuric --- same result - tried time with stirring - as well as heat - as well as adding more sulfuric (to concentrate) & then diluting again
After a about a week of messing with it & using up a gallon of sulfuric I ended up with my ultra fine foils still tied up in a bout 1 1/2 cups of stannic tin (so reduced the stannic tin by about 1/2 cup & about 3 gallons of sulfuric waste (from diluting)
With incineration (reduction roasting actually) & as long as you do your roasting to completion (convert all the stannic tin to tin oxide) you can then "eliminate" ALL the tin with the HCL wash/leaching
Conclusion --- if you want to "insure" you have got rid of the tin - incinerate & treat with HCL