More gold tidbits from the glacial moraine!

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Supporting Member
Jan 17, 2022
Last sample for this summer gave several dozen bits of gold in just two small buckets, so I think I'm pretty close to the maximum concentration at the drainage channel delta. Finding lots of large cobbles in the sediments there in several layers, so there were different episodes of water flow at that part of the delta. After careful sampling from each layer, the cobble-rich layers are confirmed to contain most of the gold flakes. Since the cobbles are still in fairly ordered layers, it's probably still not the base of the delta, which should have rocks more piled upon each other where the waters slow drastically and dump everything heavy. Judging from the slope of the land, I'd say if it always followed that topography, then the basal part of the delta can't be more than 10 feet from where I've last sampled.

But, the MOSQUITOES are horrendous there now, CLOUDS of them! So that's it until autumn! If I was finding nuggets, I'd probably resist the suffering of countless bites. But not for little flakes! lol


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