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Gold Refining Forum

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Gold Filled Giveaway Drawing Update:

Six days left until I draw the winners name in the Gold Filled Giveaway drawing and I currently have a total of 17 unique names in the hat.

Good Luck again to those who have entered.

Gold Filled Giveaway Drawing Update:

Tomorrow is the last day to enter the giveaway. There are a total of 18 unique names in the hat as of now.

Unfortunately I know one of the names isn't mine. I would love to have been in the drawing but I'm too broke to pay attention :D. Good luck to the entries.

Congratulations to Matthew Bester, the winner of the Gold Filled Giveaway Drawing!

Matt, I've sent you an email notifying you of your win. Thank you for entering the contest and keep an eye on my site, YouTube, and the forum for more upcoming contests. I plan on having these types of drawings on a monthly basis as often as I can afford to.

Thank you to everyone else who entered.

lazersteve said:
Congratulations to Matthew Bester, the winner of the Gold Filled Giveaway Drawing!

Matt, I've sent you an email notifying you of your win. Thank you for entering the contest and keep an eye on my site, YouTube, and the forum for more upcoming contests. I plan on having these types of drawings on a monthly basis as often as I can afford to.

Thank you to everyone else who entered.


Is this a forum member?
Palladium said:

I’ll try to keep this short. Maybe this just amounts to my singular personal opinion, and carries little to no weight on the forum, but I have absolutely no problem with Steve’s giveaway, nor how he communicated it on the forum. I entered the drawing by purchasing Steve’s gold filled DVD. I was not the winner.

Was the drawing an altruistic effort to help out others? Maybe, but not my point. Was the drawing a way to drum up business? So what if it was?! Don’t we all profit from this forum in one way or another? Some of us profit only in knowledge for quite some time. Others profit in both knowledge and monetarily through small deals and contacts made. There are a few who contribute vast amounts of knowledge and receive seemingly nothing in return. Should those individuals not be allowed to benefit monetarily in fair dealings with others?

And yes, this giveaway was fair. I suppose what kind of set me off when I read the post above is that Steve’s ethics were called into question. I’ve had only a small handful of interactions with Steve, but they’ve covered a decent cross section of business dealings – relatively small as they may have been. Two notable examples: I ordered and received an item that I felt was misrepresented on his website. I talked with Steve about it, and he made it right, all at his expense, not asking me to order more stuff so he can include a different item in the next shipment. Second, there was a time I wanted to exchange some refined gold for some of Steve’s scrap material. I proposed an offer, he counter-offered, taking the time to explain his numbers. He wasn’t trying to pull the wool over my eyes. He was being up front and transparent, which we all know is the right way to handle business. At that time, we did not make a deal, but I appreciated Steve taking the time to work with me – it was as much an education as any other experience I’ve had on the forum.

Well, I’m not sure if that was sufficiently short. In summary, I appreciate all Steve has done for the members of this forum. And I appreciate all that others have done (including Palladium). I have no problem with how Steve handled this giveaway. I hope he does more in the future, and I hope the members of the forum will support it.

-Matt H.

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