Need a HCN gas detector

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Well-known member
Jan 16, 2014
John Day Oregon
I am going to be working with some potassium gold cyanide salts (plating salts) so I am wanting/needing to get a "personal" (clip on) HCN detector before starting in on the gold recovery from these salts

The only U. S. based seller I could find was this company --------

But when I called there contact number to place an order I got a message saying to email them - or leave a message

I hate doing business with someone (company) that doesn't answer their phone with someone you can actually talk to with questions before I place an order

So I am wondering if any of our members have contact info for a U. S. based company that sells HCN detectors

I am also going to be needing a new ORP meter - so if anyone knows of a company that sells ether of those items &/or both the HCN detectors & ORP meters would be great

In other words - I looking for company contact info for more then one company so that I can review options for the items I am looking for

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Have you tried Draeger?

I have worked with many companys that handle NaCN/KCN solutions and never saw a detector for it, as it is always handled in fume hood. Also you can smell the cyanide (that almond smell). If you can smell you need to take action, and perhaps get out.
I don't see a detector playing a role that your nose doesn't fullfill (If you can smell cyanide, some people can't)
Have you tried Draeger?

I have worked with many companys that handle NaCN/KCN solutions and never saw a detector for it, as it is always handled in fume hood. Also you can smell the cyanide (that almond smell). If you can smell you need to take action, and perhaps get out.
I don't see a detector playing a role that your nose doesn't fullfill (If you can smell cyanide, some people can't)
Many can't smell it.
Have you tried Draeger?

Just went to their web site & though they sell gas detectors - but not HCN detectors
(If you can smell cyanide, some people can't)

Per the bold print - I am one of those that can't smell it
I have worked with many companys that handle NaCN/KCN solutions and never saw a detector for it,

I get that - & as long as ALL safety protocols for working with CN are followed there should be no real reason for gassing off the HCN - & yes I have worked with CN & "fully" understand those safety protocols

That said - it is CN & there are no "second chances" in the event something goes wrong - which of course should not happen as long as all safety protocols are followed

However - IMO - a couple/few hundred dollars for another added layer of protection seems to be a small price to pay for that added insurance between life & death --- especially being as how I don't smell it

A little side story here --- a few years ago 6 of us got together over at Jon's in England for a week (7 days) & we worked with KCN all 7 days

Deano, Nick, & Jon - all members with YEARS of experience working with CN & yet one day managed to set off the HCN detector - so it can happen even with YEARS of experience & knowing ALL the safety protocols
as it is always handled in fume hood

Yes - this is safety protocol #1 --- In fact I spent yesterday building a hood specifically for doing this job in a small room separate from where I do my acid work

IMO - this is one of those things where the old saying comes into play --- I would rather have it & not need it - rather then not have it & find out I needed it

In other words - I don't expect to set it off - but - why take a chance with something that doesn't give second chances

Kurt how are you going to process the salts?
I have several methods that may be of interest to you.
I am going to be working with some potassium gold cyanide salts (plating salts) so I am wanting/needing to get a "personal" (clip on) HCN detector before starting in on the gold recovery from these salts

The only U. S. based seller I could find was this company --------

But when I called there contact number to place an order I got a message saying to email them - or leave a massage

I hate doing business with someone (company) that doesn't answer their phone with someone you can actually talk to with questions before I place an order

So I am wondering if any of our members have contact info for a U. S. based company that sells HCN detectors

I am also going to be needing a new ORP meter - so if anyone knows of a company that sells ether of those items &/or both the HCN detectors & ORP meters would be great

In other words - I looking for company contact info for more then one company so that I can review options for the items I am looking for

You might try Orica. They just purchased Cyanco, here in the US. They are now the largest manufacturer world wide. If one is available, they should know where to get one.
Kurt how are you going to process the salts?
I have several methods that may be of interest to you.

Hi Nick

There are of course several ways to recover the gold from the salts - 3 of which I have given consideration

1) zinc cementation

2) electrowinning

3) calcination/smelting

Each of these methods have their pros & cons & I have most everything needed to implement any one of them

After considering the pros & cons of each of these 3 methods I have decided to go with electrowinning

One of the better web sites regarding detectors is forensics, reasonably impartial advice.
Always go for the handheld types, you can always put them on a wall hook for lab work.
Most detectors need either replacing of the sensor or complete unit if sensor replacement is not an option around every 2 years.
If you are going the electrowinning route use a decent rectifier , I had an old plating shop one and I could get 99%+ from the salts the balance I cemented out using aluminum foil , the solution can be neutralized for safe disposal using UV or bleach and hydrogen peroxide or a combination of both.
First - thanks to everyone that chimed in

I did find 3 other U.S. based companies that had HCN detectors listed on their web sites

One had the Honeywell detector like the link Jon provide at about the same price as the Forensic Detector HCN detector but did not have it in stock

The other 2 companies wanted $100 more for the same Honeywell detector

So I bought the Forensic Detector which should arrive in 3 -5 days

Also the salt arrived yesterday & finished my hood build

Still have a few questions to ask - so stay tuned ;) ;)

20 minutes to say he really doesn't smell anything he considers almonds. Turns out neither does 50% of the population.

The meter seems very sensitive and I wonder how much CN it will detect in a hood with decent airflow.
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20 minutes to say he really doesn't smell anything he considers almonds. Turns out neither does 50% of the population.

The meter seems very sensitive and I wonder how much CN it will detect in a hood with decent airflow.
To answer your question - very little if any - depending of course on whether you put the detector over the vessel outlet or somewhere more practical.

(You know that already of course.) :love:
Very quick up date - Saturday I stared the recovery of the gold from the PGC salts I received

I have finished 5 batches & have 3 left to do (doing 5 liter batches with 200 grams of the salt dissolved in each batch)

Concerning the HCN detector - all work has gone without incident - UNTIL yesterday morning wherein the detector was set off :eek: :oops:

So I am VERY GLAD that I spent the $400 for the detector - especially being as I am one of those people that DOES NOT smell HCN

I will post more details as to how & why the detector was set off - as well as details of project/process when I get more time which is likely to be another week (plus/minus)


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