oh yes the gold we evaporate at my company is 5 9s pure. we e-beam evaporate CdSe, Al, NiV, Au, and al2o3 all in the same chamber. this builds up and starts peeling on the inside walls and shields of our vac chamber. this gets scraped and then sand blasted. The scrappings i save and have already recovered over on ounce of gold from them. see the pics.
I first gave everything a Hcl bath. then rinsed and filtered every thing, oven dried, then let AR do the rest of the work. filtered with a homemade vac filter (very close to the one in the back of the GRF hand book) neutralized with urea then dropped with smb. and melted in electric furnace with graphite crucible. then after it solidified transfered to cupel, remelted, then poured off into bucket of water to make cornflake. just thought i would share and would love some feedback.
I have been lurking the forum for weeks now and just cant stop absorbing all of your wisdom. :wink: All of you have such great knowledge and I thank you. I think I will try what harold sugested with alot of dilute AR I will probably split up the mixture in two batches to make it more managable.
something else I have been wondering is if the CdSe has also been digested with the AR or was it with the Hcl bath. the reason I ask when I melted the gold initially there was a brown powder (very close aperance to the gold powder) that would not melt with the rest of the gold. after looking at all the ingredents all the other metals would have been gone in the hcl bath right? if this is so than if the cdse did not go with the first bath, but dig get digested in the AR than did it precipitate out with the gold?
Also the filtering rig I made is with a 5 gal bucket with a pvc parts funnel arangement. the funnel has a 1" tube that goes almost all the way down to the bottom. there are two ports in the top on either side of the funnel one for vac the other to relieve the vac pressure. this works great if you are filtering after the hcl bath. but when it comes time to filter the auric chloride :lol:
:shock: (awesome stuff, great color, really cool to watch change from yellow all the way up to dark orange) the filter shows its weak spot. the liquid in the bucket just splatters all over the inside and top. and can even get sucked into the vac
. this just wont do. Any sugestions :?: :?: