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Apr 6, 2016
san jose california
so i have an assortment of gold plated items i have striped phones and ram sticks for the gold as well as the bored in a satellite dish useing the ap method however i have many items with plastics and wires that are attached to pins i am having trouble with separating. as well i have multiple connector pins that are mixed some are partially plated and some are fully i did a small test bach with about 15-20 grams in 69.5% nitric acid and half water after a few hours i thought that any base metals would have been dissolved into the solution apon looking at my batch i have noticed that for the most part all the base metal was dissolved but it looks as tho there is a white percipitant along with my gold at the bottom. i do not know what this could be or how to seperate could someone help me and inform me if there is a better method for this. i can take and send pictures as well i am looking for someone to teach me and would be willing to use and split what i have collected in my mixed piles i live in san jose california and if anybody is near please contact me asap thank you.
First, photos would be a great way to get a better understanding for outside help. If you were putting multiple materials in nitric the precipitate on the bottom could be any number of things. The more details you can give then the better the chance of finding the answers.
If you had tin in the mix you have made stannic acid, this is a pain to remove and it will hold some of your gold.
Read the forum many of these problems have been covered many times, you need to study to understand what processes are used for which items and why, this isn't me been mean but I can't spend days walking you through the various processes you need to learn and why, my advice start reading and leave processing until you know which process you need to use, what you have created loosely cover and out somewhere safe until you know how to treat it to remove your values.
this as i said was just a small test batch i have been reading hoke but being as it is a bit time consuming to read everything i have been unable to complete my research so i came to the form to shed light upon my endevors i have a significan amout of gold plated pins and other item i need to process however im starting from low to move to high


  • 2016-06-24 16.52.02.jpg
    2016-06-24 16.52.02.jpg
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Ok. First, on your test batch, there is alot of contamination from what you put in. To clean that up you need first to let it dry. Then give everything a good wash in distilled water. After this run it through a simple A/P sollution. Learn how to do that on the forum. Afterwards redo your AR process so long as you do in a safe manner. Please check out the safty section.
As for the boards just dunk them in straight HCL for about a week keeping it in a well vented area and away from children and pets.
For those gold plated items, they will have lots of brass and other metals in them. I suggest learning reverse elecro plating for those. A/P would work, but will take a month or more. Other than that read the forum for more information and good luck.
hoosierdaddy said:
Ok. First, on your test batch, there is alot of contamination from what you put in. To clean that up you need first to let it dry. Then give everything a good wash in distilled water. After this run it through a simple A/P sollution. Learn how to do that on the forum. Afterwards redo your AR process so long as you do in a safe manner. Please check out the safty section.
As for the boards just dunk them in straight HCL for about a week keeping it in a well vented area and away from children and pets.
For those gold plated items, they will have lots of brass and other metals in them. I suggest learning reverse elecro plating for those. A/P would work, but will take a month or more. Other than that read the forum for more information and good luck.

No. That is no good. What he got there as far as I see are some foils in nitric. He need to filter solution and then process foils. If there is undissolved metal in there then it just need to be further dissolved in nitric.
If you want to switch from nitric to AP then material need to be incinerated and not washed with water.

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