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Hey, guy who's name no one can pronounce. Did you read post? What does title of the post say? Are you proficient in English & grammar? My guess is no. Maybe have a chat with your folks about the name.
As for doing what is "necessary", re-read previous paragraph.
Mate you are getting dangerously close to the edge now.
And if you read my byline you will see that my language us not English, in that you are correct.
It also say that I’m open for correction, and I am, but then I will need to know what part of my text is offending the English language.

You have over and over showed your shiny rocks and resisted having them tested, and that is necessary to have buyers believe in your claims.

I have no “folks”, it’s just me, and of course it is not my name. As I guess yours are not “snowdog20”

Anyway that is beside the point and way out if topic.
Mate you are getting dangerously close to the edge now.
And if you read my byline you will see that my language us not English, in that you are correct.
It also say that I’m open for correction, and I am, but then I will need to know what part of my text is offending the English language.

You have over and over showed your shiny rocks and resisted having them tested, and that is necessary to have buyers believe in your claims.

I have no “folks”, it’s just me, and of course it is not my name. As I guess yours are not “snowdog20”

Anyway that is beside the point and way out if topic.
Oh no...The edge!!!
Wow, what is it with you guys?

Do you really want to be banned from the forum?
I can grant your wish you know.

Behave now mate.
Yggdrasil you started this dude. So you can shove it. Ban me. I don't care euro trash or whatever you are...
Yggdrasil you started this dude. So you can shove it. Ban me. I don't care euro trash or whatever you are...
Well I did not start it as you say, I just asked you to do what you should have done from the beginning.
You have earned yourself a cool off.
Thank you, Yggdrasil. You have far more patience than I. Personally, I would have banned him months ago.

I do hope Snowdog takes this opportunity to check his ego and to learn how to test his rocks for various precious metals.

Time for more coffee.

Edited for spelling.
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Well as I stated earlier in this thread i expect respect for all members from the others , if Yggdrasil hadn’t hit the button I would have, and as a warning if you do return to the forum behave or your stay will be very very short.
Dear Snoopdog,

What you most definitively have , is a mineral called Sexterite. Just another fucking rock! Until you learn how to quantify what elements, are in what combination, to create a certain mineral, you will be viewed as a buffoon on this forum. It appears that you enjoy it , however. My thoughts on your latest picture post? A piece of Quartz you spray painted with either Aluminum, or Chrome paint. Yup, you fooled us all , once again, with your super rare mineral specimens. Remember to paint either in a fume hood, or outside. Those MEK fumes will turn you into a real phsycho path.
So, to the grumpy guy who goes by 'Kronauer' who whines about "iridium spacerocks" and twitter being a cesspool, here's some reading material about aforementioned "Iridium spacerocks." I doubt you'll even glance, it's easier to whine and gripe, and ridicule other members, especially some who may be telling tall tales a la the Roaring Camp days of yore, than to actually make a constructive contribution. when ore samples from metallic meteor impact zones are compared via assay with PM ore samples from non-impact zones, the impact zones have very significantly higher concentrations of Iridium. Sometimes by a high multiple.
I tested this with Nitric, it's not Ag. I need someone to help ID, process, & sell. It doesn't look like a typical PGM I know, if there is such a thing. I'm willing to mail a small sample & we can go from there...
The matel name is bismuth
So, to the grumpy guy who goes by 'Kronauer' who whines about "iridium spacerocks" and twitter being a cesspool, here's some reading material about aforementioned "Iridium spacerocks." I doubt you'll even glance, it's easier to whine and gripe, and ridicule other members, especially some who may be telling tall tales a la the Roaring Camp days of yore, than to actually make a constructive contribution. when ore samples from metallic meteor impact zones are compared via assay with PM ore samples from non-impact zones, the impact zones have very significantly higher concentrations of Iridium. Sometimes by a high multiple.
This is the wrong thread for this post.
There is no one with that name in this thread.
In this setting you might risk ending up beeing associated with the one you complain about.
So please don’t escalate this, and if you remember the thread, I can move this post to its proper location.
Dear Snoopdog,

What you most definitively have , is a mineral called Sexterite. Just another fucking rock! Until you learn how to quantify what elements, are in what combination, to create a certain mineral, you will be viewed as a buffoon on this forum. It appears that you enjoy it , however. My thoughts on your latest picture post? A piece of Quartz you spray painted with either Aluminum, or Chrome paint. Yup, you fooled us all , once again, with your super rare mineral specimens. Remember to paint either in a fume hood, or outside. Those MEK fumes will turn you into a real phsycho path.
Goldshark, there is no need to be rude or to use vulgarity here. Keep your responses civil.

This forum should be for advising PGM newbies. Recommending that all samples should be analyzed by a laboratory
specialized in PGM and must invest in the analysis. I know people who assume they have iridium from a meteorite in their garden.
I can attest that in this blog I found an excellent business relationship and specific information on PGM.
Wow! Someone ruder than me. Thank you Goldshark, for making me second best. I appreciate it.

Time for more coffee.
By the way, Snowdog is currently in the timeout chair in the corner. No need to point out any faults in his presentation, or his irrational exuberance, until he gets back. If he gets back. Just give Yggdrasil a “thank you” for putting him there, if just temporarily.

Time for more coffee.
It’s not just for his consumption but for others as a warning to be polite and follow the forum rules or you are gone temporarily for a first offense but if you continue to offend then the mods will discuss and decide on whether you are staying or going permanently.
The vast majority of members do not want this sort of behavior and the mods take no pleasure in policing it, a simple but honest apology would have solved this.
This is the wrong thread for this post.
There is no one with that name in this thread.
In this setting you might risk ending up beeing associated with the one you complain about.
So please don’t escalate this, and if you remember the thread, I can move this post to its proper location.
Will do. Thanks.

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