New kind of solution for extracting gold from e-scrap found?

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Feb 20, 2015
Santa Elena
Dear Sirs

I got this link from another forum where this article was causing confusion.

According to what i have learned from here there are strange details in the article, maybe it's just the reporter, but it comes from university chemistry team anyway.

You are the specialists, what do you say?


The only thing they tell is that they have a new revolutionary method to dissolve gold based on vinegar. That's not enough information to comment on.

I've found that anytime someone spends all their time talking about how great their new discovery is without ever saying what this discovery is, is just selling you a bag of hot air.

If it works then prove it. If you can prove it you won't need to waste any time on selling it.
I read this a few weeks ago. The article offered no useful information, except that the process, which was not defined in the article, works in a small scale, controlled, laboratory environment.

Will it work in a large scale field environment? Will it be economical? What will be in the waste stream?

There are more unanswered questions. They may have something here. It took time and a lot of work for sodium cyanide to replace sodium hypochlorite for leaching ores, and we are better for it. Time will tell on this one, too.

I found this YouTube Video about the process. The uploader is one of the postdocs I guess. I also searched for a publication or paper, but did not find something. One additional Information I found out was, that they use concentrated vinegar (acetic acid), a small amount of oxidant (maybe simple H2O2) and another acid (maybe HCl to form a chloro complex). To recover the Gold they use zinc powder.
I did some digging but the only thing I could find was a five year old patent, where the guy is among the patent holders.
If they are going to license the technology then they need a patent, unless they realize it would be impossible to get a patent and is trying to lock people up contractually before realizing the truth.

I must say that their aqua regia in the movie was not impressive, 5 minutes and the surface gold plating was hardly touched. And as usual the academic chemistry world have no idea of how gold reclamation from electronic scrap is done today. I haven't heard of any major refinery that uses aqua regia for recovering gold from gold plated circuit boards. That is what we usually call "Making a mess" on this forum.
Another critique of that process, how many refineries have the luxury of running unpopulated circuit boards? Gold in electronics is only partly visible, gold dissolved in solder and as bond wires in ic:s is a major part of the gold content.

But it would be a nice process for that gold plated scrap we all have lying around and an alternative to the sulfuric cell. I would use it on all IDE connectors I have..

Hi everyone there! this is from university we just have to find the doc report on saskatchewan university
That granular white thing at the bottom of the video looks like OxyClean (sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate) which is a source of peroxide. Anybody willing to experiment? I don't have a source of concentrated acetic acid.
Hello all
I tested a solution like you discussed here.
5ml Acetic acid+5ml H2O2(30%)+1ml HCl. It worked to leach gold foils from pcbs(at 60ºC). No sucess from CPU pins. I think the copper is begin attacked by the solution.

I need to make some tests here but this lecture head me to start chemistry bacharelor course.
Gold will go into solution if there is HCl and an oxidiser present but to get good dissolution you either need to remove the base metals first or dissolve everything.
With nitric as the oxidiser you can dissolve most, but not all metals, with the other oxidisers you need small particles for most of the metals to dissolve again certain metals cause problems.
The forum has dedicated countless hours discussing just about every known method or process and nothing new seems to have appeared, what is written here on the forum is about as good as anyone is going to get and the basic principle we work to is to remove the base metals first and then refine the values the only other methods involve leaches which target just the values which can be hazardous or very complicated chemistry, well for me, new leaches are been investigated but so far few seem very promising most seem to have a few glitches that are difficult to overcome, perhaps someone will discover the new process that actually works and if they do you can guarantee it will be discussed here at some point.
nickvc said:
Gold will go into solution if there is HCl and an oxidiser present but to get good dissolution you either need to remove the base metals first or dissolve everything.
With nitric as the oxidiser you can dissolve most, but not all metals, with the other oxidisers you need small particles for most of the metals to dissolve again certain metals cause problems.
The forum has dedicated countless hours discussing just about every known method or process and nothing new seems to have appeared, what is written here on the forum is about as good as anyone is going to get and the basic principle we work to is to remove the base metals first and then refine the values the only other methods involve leaches which target just the values which can be hazardous or very complicated chemistry, well for me, new leaches are been investigated but so far few seem very promising most seem to have a few glitches that are difficult to overcome, perhaps someone will discover the new process that actually works and if they do you can guarantee it will be discussed here at some point.

VERY well said Nick

I have found some information around these guys and theirs studies. Here is what I have collected around the web. Maybe a clue....

1- Investigating Acidified Organic Solvents for Gold Leaching Hiwa Salimi, PhD student, chemistry department, University of Saskatchewan Some water-miscible organic solvents including DMSO, DMF, methanol, ethanol, acetone and THF in combination with HCl and low concentrations of an oxidant such as H2O2 or HNO3 were investigated for dissolution of gold. THF showed the best results demonstrating that gold powder could be completely dissolved in 2 hours in 1 mol/L HCl and 0.1 mol/L H2O2. Increasing the oxidant concentration to 0.3 M shortened the leaching time to 30 min. No complete gold dissolution was observed for the rest of solvents even after 24 hours. Although a THF/HCl/H2O2 mixture showed a slower dissolution rate in comparison with aqua regia, the applied conditions are considerably milder which is highly promising for gold leaching on an industrial scale.

2-POSTER TITLE: Simultaneous Leaching and Solvent Extraction of Gold: an Alternative Technique to the Cyanidation Process for recovery of gold In the present work, both leaching and extraction steps were done simultaneously in which gold containing materials were treated with a mixture comprising of an aqueous phase containing low concentrations of HCl and HNO3, and an organic phase consisting of a water-immiscible organic solvent and novel sulphurcontaining ligands. The biphasic mixture increases the overall efficiencies of the gold recovery process over known methods in which these steps are conducted separately. More than 99.9% gold recovery has been achieved in only four hours using low concentrations of acid (1M HCl) and oxidant (0.2 M HNO3) at room temperatures. The method was found to be highly selective for gold in the presence of large amounts of transition metal impurities such as Fe, Cu, Zn and Ag. This new technique can be a strong alternative to the cyanidation process which can greatly simplify the whole gold recovery process. HIWA SALIMI University of Saskatchewan

Paper No.: 8827
Author: hiwa salimi, university of saskatchewan
Hiwa Salimi, University of Saskatchewan
Loghman Moradi, University of Saskatchewan
Stephen Foley, University of Saskatchewan
Room: Ballroom, Convention Floor
Time: Monday August 24, 2015 - 14:35

Common water-miscible organic solvents including DMSO, DMF, methanol, ethanol, acetone and THF in combination with HCl and low concentrations of H2O2 were investigated for dissolution of gold. THF showed the best result demonstrating that gold powder could be completely dissolved in 1.5 hours in 1.0 mol/L HCl and 0.2 mol/L H2O2. No complete gold dissolution was observed for the rest of solvents even after 24 hours. The rate of gold dissolution was measured by dissolving gold wire in THF/HCl/H2O2 mixture. The rate of gold dissolution in optimised condition was 75 g m-2 h-1 at room temperature and significantly increased to 590 g m-2 h-1 by raising the temperature up to 60 oC. Although a THF/HCl/H2O2 mixture showed a slower dissolution rate in comparison with aqua regia, however the applied conditions are considerably milder which is highly promising for gold leaching in an industrial scale.
Also from the same authors:

INOR 750: Acetic acid process: A viable alternative to cyanide and aqua regia for leaching gold from primary and secondary sources ( )
Gold will go into solution if there is HCl and an oxidiser present but to get good dissolution you either need to remove the base metals first or dissolve everything.
With nitric as the oxidiser you can dissolve most, but not all metals, with the other oxidisers you need small particles for most of the metals to dissolve again certain metals cause problems.
The forum has dedicated countless hours discussing just about every known method or process and nothing new seems to have appeared, what is written here on the forum is about as good as anyone is going to get and the basic principle we work to is to remove the base metals first and then refine the values the only other methods involve leaches which target just the values which can be hazardous or very complicated chemistry, well for me, new leaches are been investigated but so far few seem very promising most seem to have a few glitches that are difficult to overcome, perhaps someone will discover the new process that actually works and if they do you can guarantee it will be discussed here at some point.
I have nearly completed this method and have already tested with absolutely positive results with it. It took me the better part of 2 years with very little chemistry background or experience but I am nearly at perfection with it. I have come here specifically to let you people who seem stuck in their ways on this forum know there is new ways and they are indeed better in every way possible.

The issue and reason behind new methods not being discovered is because of people like yourselves who immediately shoot down ideas and refuse to push further into the unknown because you've reached a level of comfort with your own expensive and dated methods. If you would just stop thinking so close minded and maybe just allow a little room for other possibilities this forum would benefit greatly and probably see a large increase in members who aren't afraid of being ridiculed for posting or asking questions.

This method does exist and it does in fact work amazingly. I could even further elaborate with a brief explanation as to why and how it works if you would like?

Everyone, innovation thrives when we refuse to settle for mediocrity. Persevere in perfecting your ideas, and you'll create something extraordinary.
The issue and reason behind new methods not being discovered is because of people like yourselves who immediately shoot down ideas and refuse to push further into the unknown because you've reached a level of comfort with your own expensive and dated methods. If you would just stop thinking so close minded and maybe just allow a little room for other possibilities this forum would benefit greatly and probably see a large increase in members who aren't afraid of being ridiculed for posting or asking questions.
Not generally the best way to gather an audience...but okay.

This method does exist and it does in fact work amazingly. I could even further elaborate with a brief explanation as to why and it works if you would like?
Please do....
I have nearly completed this method and have already tested with absolutely positive results with it. It took me the better part of 2 years with very little chemistry background or experience but I am nearly at perfection with it. I have come here specifically to let you people who seem stuck in their ways on this forum know there is new ways and they are indeed better in every way possible.

The issue and reason behind new methods not being discovered is because of people like yourselves who immediately shoot down ideas and refuse to push further into the unknown because you've reached a level of comfort with your own expensive and dated methods. If you would just stop thinking so close minded and maybe just allow a little room for other possibilities this forum would benefit greatly and probably see a large increase in members who aren't afraid of being ridiculed for posting or asking questions.

This method does exist and it does in fact work amazingly. I could even further elaborate with a brief explanation as to why and how it works if you would like?

Everyone, innovation thrives when we refuse to settle for mediocrity. Persevere in perfecting your ideas, and you'll create something extraordinary.
Welcome to us.

I think you miss your target a bit, we welcome any new method which is plausible, sound and works.
We always looks for ways that can reduce waste in a safe and economical way.
Some of our members have devised some clever ways around this.
There are literally thousands of ways of reclaiming and refining precious metals,
the reasons we seem to fall back to the same methods is that they work effectively.

You are welcome to present your Ideas but be prepared to be questioned for evidence.
That is in fact the scientific way.

Edited for accuracy
Last edited:
You started your post by quoting nickvc - you then (in reply to the quote from Nick) posted -------
I have nearly completed this method

Nick did not post "a method" he posted basic/general information

So - what method are you talking about that you have "nearly" completed ???
This method does exist and it does in fact work amazingly. I could even further elaborate with a brief explanation as to why and how it works if you would like?

Per the bold print (above quote) --- please do elaborate - otherwise all you are doing is making a claim backed up by absolutely nothing
I have come here specifically to let you people who seem stuck in their ways on this forum know there is new ways and they are indeed better in every way possible.

The issue and reason behind new methods not being discovered is because of people like yourselves who immediately shoot down ideas and refuse to push further into the unknown because you've reached a level of comfort with your own expensive and dated methods. If you would just stop thinking so close minded

Really ? --- I find it interesting that on the very first day you join this forum & in your first post the first thing you do is tell us that we are ---- stuck in our way - we immediately shoot down ideas - refuse to push further into the unknown - & have reached a level of comfort with your own expensive and dated methods.

That seems to me to be an awful BIG assumption on your part - considering you come here telling us you have come up with ------------
new ways and they are indeed better in every way possible.

But you give no explanation to these - "new ways" - that are - "indeed better in every way possible"

What makes you think we are not open to this - "new way" ????

We haven't even heard what it is yet ????

And yet you start by telling us that we are closed minded

IMO - not a good way to introduce yourself &/or to introduce us to this knew way

But that's ok - I (at least) am open to hearing about it

BUT - then you NEED to be prepared to discuss this in absolute detail --- for the way in which you have introduced yourself has placed the burden of proof fully & squarely on you

In other words -----------
I could even further elaborate with a brief explanation

Per the bold print --- this will not do !!! - you will NEED to provide absolute details AND be prepared to answer questions that we will most likely (certainly) be asking


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