Hello everyone on this great forum, I'm new here, first time to hear about Hoke's book too.
So far, we were newly trying to urban mining, we had about 1kilo of TV finger strips. Cut out and left only the plated parts. Washed with warm water, added to AR solution 3:1 HCL and nitric acid (53%), left it for about 30mins the AR was dark green and filtered, added urea till released nitric and then SMB (sulfite), very little powder precipitated grey to black color, solution color is like dark green like olive oil and some dark colloids floating on top. What are your advices to my proccess ?? Can I still get any gold? How much gold you think might be found in those TV sticks? Thanks in advance home to accept my first post here.
So far, we were newly trying to urban mining, we had about 1kilo of TV finger strips. Cut out and left only the plated parts. Washed with warm water, added to AR solution 3:1 HCL and nitric acid (53%), left it for about 30mins the AR was dark green and filtered, added urea till released nitric and then SMB (sulfite), very little powder precipitated grey to black color, solution color is like dark green like olive oil and some dark colloids floating on top. What are your advices to my proccess ?? Can I still get any gold? How much gold you think might be found in those TV sticks? Thanks in advance home to accept my first post here.