New to forum, researching before first experimen. WELP!

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New member
Jul 3, 2016

So i bought this item on ebay today, and i wanted to ask a couple of questions; i also bought gold plated beads on amazon, and some gold plated jewelry to have different things to experiment on.

First of all, how much gold you guys thing is in the ingot, i am expecting around a gram hopefully, so it at least covers the buying price.

second and most important, i wanted to get recommendations on what chemical processes should i use to refine it fully, and also extract the copper if its not too much of a hassle, i was thinking on using hydrochloric acid with sodium hypochlorite to purify the bar.

Also what do you guys recommend to do with the plated items, i was thinking on doing HCl with hydrogen peroxide, and just take the gold foil, but for the base jewelry i do not know what the base metals would be, so would HCl dissolve most base metals used in jewelry??

Thank you very much form your patience!!! it is very much appreciated :) <3
Don't buy anything else, just read this forum until you understand what stuff is worth, and how to do things safely. The gold drop is a paper weight.
regardless of earnings, this is just an experiment to learn, so what process you would recommend??
Juancre4 said:
regardless of earnings, this is just an experiment to learn, so what process you would recommend??

None. You are not ready to experiment, you should study the forum. That is how you learn.
That is my opinion. Those gold drops are fool's gold. If you search the forum you will learn why.
Jim is right on the money.
There is no gold to be recovered from these bars. If there would be any it would be sold as pins, there is no sense of melting them in bar like that. What you bought is overpriced brass.
Here is a hint for you. Search this type of material for sale on ebay then go to sellers feedback. Everyone of them get negative feedback from buyers who already bought it and tried to recover gold only to find nothing.
patnor1011 said:
Jim is right on the money.
There is no gold to be recovered from these bars. If there would be any it would be sold as pins, there is no sense of melting them in bar like that. What you bought is overpriced brass.
Here is a hint for you. Search this type of material for sale on ebay then go to sellers feedback. Everyone of them get negative feedback from buyers who already bought it and tried to recover gold only to find nothing.
I think you are correct... one of his previous customers gave this feedback.

"Gold Recovery Gold Bar" is Brass. No Gold ! Says assay report. Value is $1.50 Buyer: m***8
500 grams Gold Recovery Gold Bar Melted Drop Scrap Plated Computer Pins CPU! (#251784806207)

He paid close to $150 for that brass brick.

i see you have a very strong moral code here :3, i like that, thank you guys for the answers, much appreciated!
We try to help and educate the members.
The best advice I can give you is read here and study, look for free scrap ask friends, family co workers anyone you never know, and keep studying until it starts to make sense, it will but it can take time.
In general, the gold business is, and has always been, one of the crookedest businesses in the world. It takes a lifetime of learning to protect yourself from all the possible scams that people have dreamed up. The forum takes these things very seriously and has always made an all-out effort to protect our members.
kudos to you for taking it on the chin and not over reacting!!

I have seen many new members ask about these "gold drop bars" and get defiant and rude and hostile when they were told they bought a scam.

I recently saw a post where a guy took actual gold pins and melted them into a blob on video... turned out crusty and blackish. the exact opposite from what you find on Ebay.

We all take our lumps from time to time, it is just a matter of how we learn from those mistakes. The best way to think of it is that the $35 you paid brought you here so you could read Hoke's book... that's a relatively cheep investment in education if you ask me!

Good luck and make sure to post pics of your first REAL button when you get there!

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