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Gold Refining Forum

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There are NO shortcuts. If you want pure gold, you MUST follow accepted practice.
Thanks Butcher.

I am new to this acid/clorox method myself.
I Fire Refine my foils with The U.S. Mint's Gold flux Formula as a first choice, and with the Aqua Regia method as a second.

Sincerely; Rick. "The Rock Man".
Rick, this flux formula is there more than just borax in it? it sounds as though you try to clean up your gold through a melt, which will work somewhat if the flux mix can oxidize base metals and draw them into slag, and can help to improve gold quality if done properly, if done improperly there is also chance of loosing gold, melt temperature and flux can play a big role, I have dabbled in it but my skills lack in this area.when working with metals that have been refined before such as in electronic scrap, I feel acid seperation would be best if done properly, (or melting dore and electrorefining), and if steps taken to eliminate the base metals, a fairly pure gold solution can be produced with electronics there are metals that will cause trouble in certain steps of the process. and gold (or other metal) precipitated from the first recovery process may need re-refined again, sometimes more than twice, one thing after recovery, refining each additional time is much easier, and product much purer, and if we just spend a little more time on this with good work practice our final product is easier to melt and flux is not needed, and in my opinion more valueble and rewarding, if I just wanted to sell gold fast I think just melting to dore bars that look like copper and selling them to an refiner would be easier, and if a person was working with very large volume that may be a better way, refiner may be able to skim more from you, but your dealing in volume, when you deal in small volume, pure product would be of higher value, and if a person had a jeweley made from it the value can even be higher, there is not much to say if a person can learn to refine he could also learn to make jewelry from his product, if he had a mind to.some of us work with little volume, and good scrap seems hard to come by, so refining to a very pure product only makes sense to me, it is really not that hard once we learn and if we follow guidence of some fellow forum members, so willing to teach us their skills. of course all to his own and each of us has to make a decision of how far we take our product, one miner may find just selling his concentrated ore in high volume to be more profitable and rewarding, and the next miner may want to melt his ore to yeller impure metal, and one may want pure gold brick, to each to his own. since this is the gold refining forum I presume the person asking the question is not just asking how to recover his gold but to refine it the best he can, so I try to gear my answer towards that goal, otherwise I may tell him to precipitate his gold with copper, flux melt assay sell to refiner, who knows he may get just as much money for it with an honest refiner.

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