Nitric acid

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hello all,

I am very new to gold refining, infact this is my first post, i was wondering, i bought some nitric acid in a 5molar solution, is this too strong? and what is the strength in a percentage? Any help would be much apreciated :mrgreen:

Concentrated nitric acid is about 70%, by weight, which is about 16 molar. Your 5 molar is, therefore, about 22%, by weight. When it's used for dissolving silver or copper, the 70% is usually cut 50/50 with water. That would be 8 molar. When used in aqua regia, the 70% nitric is usually used undiluted in combination with hydrochloric acid.

Your 5 Molar would work in both of these applications, but the reactions would be slower.

I have had no problems making nitric with sodium nitrate which is very cheap, $35.00 for 20 lbs. I use Napa battey acid $12.00 for five gallons. If I want it stronger I usee Roto drain cleaner.

Bob Noble
Not sure if you had your question answered...
If you look at the sticky note at the top of the
CHEMICALS board you will find one titled
refining chemicals: supplers

Within that post is a listing for

Under inorganic chemicals they list:

Nitric Acid
Formula: HNO3
Synonyms: –

• Some hydroponics suppliers sell it as a "pH Minus" (i.e. an agent to decrease the pH of water) for use in hard water areas.

Elements Hydroponics Centre (UK)
GroWell Hydroponics (UK)
HydroHobby (UK)

• Some alternative photographic suppliers sell it.

Artcraft (USA)

• Some specialist art suppliers sell it.

Kremer Pigments (Global)

It may be worth a look
I have a question.

When making poormans nitric, we use nitrate of soda and sulfuric acid.

What about using ammonium sulfate+sulfur (NH4)2SO4, 21-0-0+24(S) instead of nitrate of soda? Would that reduce the amount of sulfuric acid needed in Lazersteves receipe?

I was looking on Simplot's website for Nitrate of soda and came across this.

It's getting harder to find Nitrate of soda.

Thanks to all in advance.

hello Ive been a member for A short while this is my first post. I have been too busy blinding my self absorbing all of your guys wisdom thank you very much.Lazer,Harald,silver Pro, and all of you.
any how, i too have struggled on getting nitric acid not willing to pay the outrageous $120 a gallon for 70% lab grade.
And since i have built me a half way desent lab i make it my self with sodium nitrate at darn near lab grade.well my point is that i went to every garden and hardware store looking and could only find sodium nitate/ potasium nitrate that had urea in it. i spent way to much time and gas. ok now the point.... i finally stumbled apon a potery web page and found that sodium nitrate is use in the glaze when firing potery. and waahla 5 mile from my house a potery supplie shop. with high grade sodium nitrate. a little costly at $16 and some change for 10 pounds but never the less no paper work, good grade. it gets a little cheeper the more u buy. any how thanks again guy and gals if there are any im not sure.

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