Robert I think the guys are trying to steer you in the right direction as to how the forum operates.
We don't tolerate bad language, politics , religion or subject matter that can cause bad feeling and verbal sparring. We try to present ourselves as scientists or at least men and women of science and clarity, accuracy and the best writing skills we possess helps, we also have many members whose first language isn't English so we try to be clear for them also. Remember we deal with many chemicals and substances that can be very toxic, poisonous or down right deadly if not handled correctly and we try to promote safety first and foremost, no amount of gold is worth anyone's life or health.
To get you started take the guided tour here on the forum and read C.M.Hoke, it's a free download, also the forum hand books and read and absorb the safety section. Research all the processes before trying any chemical recoveries or refining, everything you need to know is here, for free, on the forum you just have to search and read, we dont hold your hand here but if you do your part and read help is readily available, we also know if newbies just pretend they have read up on the subject, this is just silly as they need to understand the replies.
Take your time and read and study and you will be set to go and refining can become a great hobby or even a business.
Welcome to the forum.