Noobz experience, between funny and deadly :-) [long]

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Jul 3, 2013
ello there folks,

this is a total noobz from south Italy here with his
lousy indeed experience. :-(
Today i woke up and said, "hey lets go, and after reading
trough almost all topics here and there, lets do some refining.
I had a 210 grams - 7 ounces- of plated pins stripped off from
the very usual parts such as connectors from hard drives, dvd
and cd rom reader and some pins fetched on other kinda connectors.

I was happy, tough i knew already the yeld was not going to be
something to change my life but hey, you never know, tough i expected
at least a 1:100 ratio yeld, meaning that 200 grams or so of
plated pins would give me at least 2 grams of wonder dust :)

My equipment - and here i know everyone will start booein' or sayin' any sort of
joke, but trust me, i had much difficulties buying reagents and other stuff like pyrex
flasks and so on that i had to go trough a one month pay and wait e-bay thing.

- 1 glass container approx 600 ml

- HCl, 36% bought from they bay

- Nitric Acid, 60% bought from the same as above.

- a 100 ml graduated flask for measuring.

- No respirator

- everything performed outside

- AR 400 ml

I mixed 1 part - 100 ml - of Nitric and 3 parts of HCl and......gosh, i never smelled smthing so nasty in my life. Plus i had the sillyness to take a little sniff before mixing and if the Nitric was kinda bearable, the HCl "snort" was almost deadly: cough, red eyes, i had to ran out of my little cellar and stay out to breathe for almost 5 mins, and when coming on, i could still smell a bit of this flippin caustic thing.

1 thing learned, start mixing the reagents *OUTSIDE* if you dont have a fume hood and a respirator.

I obtained then, first a yellowish mix that turned soon on a bronze, orange color, observing a little amount of NOx that was yet d it was still in the glass jar without anything inside!!!!

So, with my goggles, my kitchen long gloves and a long shirt i walked in the woods to perform the "magic" :)

When there, i opened the jar and.....ouch, a bad bad smell came out the jar but soon went away cuz i was behind the jar with "tailwind" blowing all that sick smell away from me tough sometimes - even without not putting any scrap inside the jar, some strange chlorine, Nox, Uranium or what the heck was smell was still around there. I kept myself for a couple of minutes standing almost 6 meters - 18 ft - away and it was *kinda ok*. :)

Now, i saw no Nox coming out -at least seemed - and i took a big breathe, took my scrap and i started dumping them in the deadly Aqua Regia mix.

I noticed that first, putting very little amounts time per time, with 30 seconds intervals, not much Nox was forming and also the temp of the jar was kinda ok, considered that this morning here we have 35 °C degs, so i suppose around 90 °F.

Then the yokel me did the rest.

Seeing that things were goin quite ok - tough i am still having irritated nose feeling - the AR was working and i decided to dump *EVERYTHING* in one sitting.


After 40 seconds or so, everything started bubbling hard, the level of the mix was rising in the jar, the NOx fumes building hard - and i had to run another 10 meters away to save my life - and kaboom, everything erupted....but i was almost 50 meters away....everything lost obviously.

Now, i dont much care of the 200 grams of pins lost, after all i think that it wasnt a great loss and i can make it again because i got a steady supply of old e-scrap; i saved also 50 old cell phones boards, 50 ram sticks, another 500 grams of computer cards fingers and 30 processors stripped of from old computers, so i think that *NEXT* time things will be different much more.

Besides the funny -not much funny tough i feel a lil weird , but that must be the nervs and the double espresso and 3 ciggs i smoked in 1 hour :)
What wrong after all?

- too much AR made? 400 ml i think was indeed far too much for 200 grams of plated pins.

- I tried the AP mode once and it was quite nifty, clean and with almost no harm. Do you you think i should go on with the AP from now on? The Nitric the NOx and the water i gotta say, scared me a little bit - i am an ex paratrooper for 20 years, with 4000 launches and trust me, there's few things i get scared of :) -

- Suggestions or reccomendationsof any sorts are well welcome, of any kind! :)

Thanks a lot for every response to this post and also to the admin that created this.

A respirator will not help against NOx.
Some gasses like Cl2 (I am not sure about HCL and NOx) can cause a edema in your lungs 4 hours and more later, even if you feel good in the beginning. Go to the doc!
NOx can cause irreversible damage to your lungs.

Do you you think i should go on with the AP from now on?
Absolutely not, you should:
Stop your semi-suicide and read safety section, guided tour and download Hoke!

After all, because of such cases, chemicals should be prohibited totally. And that day will come, because of exactly such cases. Thank you!

...4:1 AR on low-grade plated stuff???? go.

What wrong after all?

Now, i dont much care of the 200 grams of pins lost, after all i think that it wasnt a great loss and i
have you thought about all that cancerogene nickel chloride you have in your garden now??

am an ex paratrooper for 20 years,

so, you have a CBRN-education, you should know better

If my post sounds harsh, - this was the meaning. But it is good, you have posted your mess. Maybe some people can learn from this. And you, when you have done your reading lessons, welcome!
Padre said:
ello there folks,

this is a total noobz from south Italy here with his

- Suggestions or reccomendationsof any sorts are well welcome, of any kind! :)

Thanks a lot for every response to this post and also to the admin that created this.


Hello Padre

So I started reading your post, and was convinced that this was a joke made by one of the older members here as I could not believe that anybody could be so stupid.
But after re-reading your post I am now convinced that you are a real person.

I appreciate your honest story, and I congratulate you with not loosing your lungs, or life. This was however based on luck not on your skills.

You asked what you did wrong. well pretty much everything you did after you got out of your bed this morning.
If you wish to continue with refining it would be very good for you to do the following things.

1 read the safety section
2 Download and read / understand Hoke´s book ( link in my signature)
3 after you have done 1 and 2 learn to master the AP method for the fingers you have.
4 read all the post on the forum about processing pins. ( dont do anything just read and understand it)
5 before you ever do anything again. write what you plan to do on the forum and wait 48 hours to see what people think of your next suicide project.

on a personal note, The fact that you have been a paratrooper is a problem here, I used to remove landmines I know what you mean with not being scared easy. But before making a jump you will gather intelligence about the mission. Well refining is a little of the same there is no reason to be scared if you know what you are doing. But since you clearly do not know what you are doing your job is now to gather intelligence about your next project. You can do that by reading Hoke´s book and study teh forum.

There are filters that will filter out most gasses or neutralize them in some way. NO2 is not one of them.[b/] NO2 will kill you, abet slooooowly! An air supplied respirator (one that supplies its on O2 rather than filtering the outside atmosphere) is what is needed to protect your insides from gasses on the outside.

I have opened a bucket of AP and found the two or three spots on my skin that were not protected by clothing, gloves or face-shield/respirator. Even working outside someone can be in hazard.

Stay Safe!
Tnax solar for the reply, i appreciate it indeed.

And for the harsh in the worries, i deserved it because surely, I was too much relying on those youtube videos that i guess, do more harm than everything.

Anyways the post was 100% genuine and again, i admit my errors thanking someone above if i am still here replying.

So far 5 hrs are passed and if i am hitting the kbd, maybe, i will pass safe trough the afternoon and maybe the night....i hope! but indeed i am feeling ok now and what i was feeling this morning was the classic aftermath of any acid fumes exposure, which normally is irritating eyes and nose; trust me a smoke grenade or a flashbang thrown at 1 meter can do more harm

Any way i agree that again, what i made was indeed stupid based only on the videos i've seen on YT. I admit it without any problem.


Thanks as solar for the info and ifrom now on, i will follow step by step what i'll be reading here around i guess starting from the Hoke's trying to gather more infos and making my questions when i need to know smthing.

For the reference and the fun, square, if the chute doesnt open there's nothing that can save you apart from the Good Lord :)

Thanks again for the comments, questions, bad words and whatever :)


As a former US Navy sailor who has worn the type of respirator that the cartridge you have pointed out (cost about 50-60 USD) I must state that they will only work when the respirator is fitted and worn properly. The person that is wearing a respirator in an environment that exceeds the concentration that the cartridge is rated for or in an oxygen deficient atmosphere must understand the limitations of the cartridge and the respirator as a system.

Respirators should only be used when all other engineering controls fail <--<< reason for edit


Thanks also to Publius and Steve for the contribution.
Sufing this afternoon after a nice nap - oh it was nice 2 hrs :) - i've found this link that
in my opinion, explains almost all.

Noobz as me may have done smthing stupid and indeed harmful so i wished to do something
to "help" :)

About Cl2 a very indeed detailed page,

Padre :)
publius said:

As a former US Navy sailor who has worn the type of respirator that the cartridge you have pointed out (cost about 50-60 USD) I must state that they will only work when the respirator is fitted and worn properly. The person that is wearing a respirator in an environment that exceeds the concentration that the cartridge is rated for or in an oxygen deficient atmosphere must understand the limitations of the cartridge and the respirator as a system.

Respirators should only be used when all other engineering controls fail <--<< reason for edit



I agree 100%. No filter type respirator is meant to sustain life for extended periods of time in extremely toxic conditions, but instead they are designed to allow the user to get to a safe area with minimal exposure. I do not condone using filter respirators (of any kind) as a means of long term survival in toxic environments. The filter in the above referenced file is but one type of filters that provides limited protection against NOx, the C50, M50, and M53 filter mask systems ( by Avon Protection Systems ) are other, more modern examples. I have (2) M50's on hand, with new filter cartridges, in case of dire emergencies. I do not wear them while working, but they are readily available if needed. I have studied a copy of the training manual for the mask and have confirmed proper fit, seal, and operation of my masks.

Just as an idea for those, who are looking for respirator training: One more reason to join your local voluntary hazmat team, - all trainings for free. :lol:
Big mistake was to premix that 400ml of nictric with HCl. Next time always add a little bit of nitric at a time. 400ml is way too much for those crapyp 200g of goldplated stuff.
Next time put them in AP wait 2-3 weeks and your are all done, safely.
To answer why it erupted: this reaction is exothermic, meaning it produces heat as it dissolves. So much metal, so much acid, it got really hot. heat also increases the rate of the reaction. very hot = very fast reaction. Gasses are produced in this reaction, and when a LOT of gas has no where to go, it pushes liquid out of the way. When all of that happens very quickly, you get a volcano.
please don't do this again for a long time, and only after learning a LOT about safety and how to do this correctly.

To highlight some of the mistakes:
don't play with acids indoors
if you ever get even a whiff of an acid, you're doing something wrong
never rely on safety equipment. (have it, make sure it will help if need be, but don't be trying to test it)
add a little at a time
you should remove the base metal before dissolving the gold
better to not pre-mix aqua regia

Exactly! I tought at first glance that 400 ml was indeed too much but then i had my wrong go....and lost everything :)
I didnt knew the add-a-little-per-time of the nitric because normally i saw those videos were all was premixed but i take
your suggest as great value indeed!
I downloaded the Hoke's and I am reading it from yesterday evening - thanks squarecoin! - and it seems a very well done
thingy that says almost all :lol:
Thanks !!

@ Mystic

Yup, sir, being exothermic is smthing i noticed soon :lol: I guess that if i ever standed that damn whiff, i would have poured
the plated stuff a little by little and i guess that was kinda ok - still with the general consideration that 400 ml was a monstruos
amount for the stuff i was working with i suppose - :lol:

I guess that it will be a very long time till i will use AR again directly, i think the next time will be th AP time but i will first finish
the Hoke's then post the semi suicidal plan here as suggested yesterday and do smthing after the responses :lol:

I am taking this as an hobby, because even i got a bit of stuff stocked, i dont wanna risk too much or add day by day the aftermaths
of a wrong done thing.

Btw 24 hrs are passed, i feel ok hoping the edema-haunting-ghost is not around the corner.......... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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