greyscout said:
@ Dave: Actually, the copy in your link is the copy I downloaded in pdf format.
@ Harold: I'm not just looking into precious metal refining. I'd like to get involved with all around metal working. In my business, we work with a lot of cast aluminum, scrap copper, and stainless steel. Now, the stainless steel part is way down the road. But aluminum and copper are within my sights and would require large quantities to make it worthwhile. As far as the "need" to melt copper.... there is none. I just want to say that I did it and have a little ingot to show so. This venture is not really a way to make money. It's just something that I'm interested in.
@ Panther: I know Denver @ 222 and 76. My dad lives in New Providence. I pass by Denver all of the time. I know that I'll have to refine prior to melting, but I'm also looking at recasting aluminum for parts that my company can use. Also, I'm just trying to get a heads up right now. I'm not buying or building anything any time soon.
Hello Gary,
Im a new refiner & when you said your venture is not really a way to make money thought id chime in as ive been doing this during good weather for 2 yrs. now & can safely assure you that you are correct ...LOL. You will not make any money at a small scale BUT you will learn a lot about patience & chemistry. That being said, besides reading Hokes book focus a LOT of your edu. twards reading fumes & safety & waste disposal. These last 3 are the real issues with refining period. A hood vent is nice but more is needed a LOT more, such as a scrubber, that too has to be maintained.
Just my .02 as I also have an Astronomy hobby is this: If I could go back in time id just work & buy my Gold in .999 bars & rounds & sell any marked jewelry & protect my health in that fashion. After 2 yrs. of doing this I can very safely say unless you live way out away from anyone isolated that you need a heated shed/garage, hood vent, scrubber, and a LOT of cheap to access material to refine otherwise its a loosing business from a time ( LOTS of spare time) & money investment. And the danger isn't worth any Gold you might get unless you are setup as I said.
Like you I also didn't intend to get rich doing this, just wanted to learn about it & try my hands at it, which I have. I still have a mountain to learn but one thing that I have learned & am learning is that refining is oh so very noxious from start to finish. I just had new neighbors move into the home next door that was unoccupied last 2 yrs. & they have 4 kids so at this point im pretty much concluding on selling all my gallons of lab grade nitric & all my materials & playing it safe just going to work & buying refined Gold & just scrapping & selling that occasionally, that for me & the new neighbors the only safe avenue since I am not willing to spend 10 grand to make 2 grand etc.. & learn something anymore as its no longer a safe venture without a shop now.
Its a bad move as the others said to sell marked Gold or Silver since its already obvious a certain carat. I have a tidy amount of 14K that im sitting on to eventually sell if the market goes up but id never ever melt it & destroy that tested & marked assay. If I was in your position id go one of two options IE: Hang onto your Gold & Silver & watch the markets or sell it & be safe with your health unless you plan on a full blown lab type setup period.
I can tell you the elimination of acid wastes is as time consuming as the proper refining is. And you risk serious issues if any neighbors call & involve the EPA unless your completly setup like a lab & can prove it. Im very seriously considering getting out from this once ive completly cleaned up my 5 gallons of waste & going the cheap safe rout. I work so much anyway that its actually 10 times cheaper for me to just buy refined Gold then to do this, so ive learned a bit & now I know its not a money maker at my small level. The gentlemen that are answering your questions are not newbees thay are all fairly old members with serious equipment investments & they do or did fairly large portions of material stock, you have to as its so time consuming or its not worth the time effort.
Read about every aspect & how long it takes to "properly" do it correctly, with no short cuts to get at least 99.50 or better Gold. I just want to you to see the dark side of this endevour, fumes & waste removal safely. If it was just nuke with acid, wash, & melt then everyone would be happily doing it, but its ....far ....far from that easy...................... :|
Just something to really sit down & consider before attempting is all im saying. Storage of all the acids and wastes is another BIG issue. What if you have a power outage during a fuming venture? Do you have a backup genetaror? Backups on everything for that & spills is importaint. Don't do a thing till you have read everything about all this then & only then decide if its worth all the equipment. Especially consider any close neighbors...............................
I hate to be a downer but ive been tossing & turning at night over all this as I live in a small residentail neighborhood & so far long as I keep batches small as has gone well but fumes are fumes & do escape. And its bothering me big time & im not willing to throw good money after bad just to make a few more Gold nuggets that I could buy with a LOT less effort & safely. These new neighbors just are the final decision maker for me.
Now IF I lived out in the country with no neighbors, & had all the usual lab quality safety devices & backups, AND most of all... a good access of cheap refining material heck yea id do it...............So im not all negative, but remember..... consider circumstances of your location & neighbors first, then read everything possible if your in a safe isolated area & you can then proceed if your up to a new challenge.