Just kidding. My name's Justin and I'm from somewhere in the center of Maine, USA. I'm a bladesmith who has recently decided to expand my horizons to add beauty, style, and higher worth to my work. Gold is normally too pricey for a guy of my frugalness, but living in Maine allows me to harvest my own precious metals due to their abundance in my area. Just gotta learn the how to. I've tried my hand at thiosulfate leaching a couple times, with varied results. Bonus! Learned at least 2 ways of making elemental sulfur. A sulfur inlay, however, is not a popular style in the field of knives, axes, and swords. Now with nitric in one hand, vac filter in the other, and equipped with the PPE to pass as Walter White, I'm ready to refine some ores, with the help of you kind folks. Thanks for info, archive, and community.