Lost_Adams said:
Harold, have you used a blowpipe to do a charcoal assay test on some ground up ore? If you have then your statement about the flux and match needs to be reworded and not just start to attack me for trying to present alternate ways or methods in response to the questions some forum members have asked about.
For starters, no one attacked you. That is not permitted on this forum, and is grounds for dismissal.
What I clearly stated is that flux does not lower the melting point of metals, which is what you implied.
On a second reading of your post, I realize what you're implying, but even that tends to be somewhat misleading. Soda ash dissolves silica, it does not lower its melting point. However,
once combined, the net result is a lower melting point.
My purpose in commenting was to insure that readers don't get the mistaken notion that all they need do is use enough flux and their melting problems will go away. That is simply not the case.
I only am guiding and sterring them to places to expand their knowledge what they do with that is up to them.
One does not expand knowledge in others by providing either misinformation, or misleading information. I respect your attempt, but if you intend to be helpful, it's best to have your information in order. I spend a great deal of my time trying to undo damage caused by well meaning, but poorly informed people. That seems to be the norm in refining.
If I offended your age and experience I am sorry and will just go back to Lurking instead of trying to share my experience.
I am not the offended party, nor have I requested that you lurk. May I suggest that you grow somewhat thicker skin and accept the fact that some of the things you may say aren't necessarily true? It takes a far bigger man to admit to not knowing something than to pretend to be the injured party because someone makes a correction.
Maybe I don't have the SheepSkins and get mixed up in the way I understand things but I still get the job done with what I have at hand.
As did I, and I did so without formal education. One need not be college educated to follow prescribed processes. I was good at follow directions. I also kept an open mind and tried to learn what I could to improve my processing and my quality.
By the way I have over 50 years experience as a Structional IronWorker, Heavy Construction Carpenter, and Construction MillWright and 30 as a Gold Miner/ Prospector.
That's an admirable record. You can be justly proud of your accomplishments, but, without making any accusations, my years in refining taught me to be very wary of prospectors, most of whom have little knowledge about refining and can't sort reality from fantasy. They are often driven by the gold bug and have the innate ability to ignore good and factual information, generally because it doesn't agree with what they want to believe.
Have fun guys I have to go to Arizona for the winter to Beep for Nug's.
I wish you the best of luck! Be certain to share the spoils with us through some pictures.