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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2011
Fullerton ,California. usa
Hello Everyone
Okay I started a new process today. At approximately 830 this morning.
50 to 60 key pads Assorted
About 15 fingers from ddr, isa, pci,
And assorted scanner boards, Not the whole board just the cut out gold plated cardboard parts
See pics
Now I already had these cut out before I read the "ideal process for gold plated cardboard" post
5 hours later most a gold is of the boards that' not a good thing but at least I can see my gold for now I'll be back


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i knew i'd be back :roll:
I think I am missing something here for some reason my test for gold in solution comes out negative even after dissolving known gold
does it matter if antimony is in solder
I have done 2 batches since i showed pictures of my recovered gold in the coke bottle
i have used exactly the same boards only i split the boards for the last 2 batches(there are 2 other thing done differently i will discuss in a minute)
both of the last 2 batches were done in used a/p. dark green to black in color with a couple of oz. of hcl added.
Nether batch produced even close to the first batch i mentioned above.
I filtered this last batch through 3 coffee filters and i got a good spot of gold powder about 2" in diameter and very small foils with all kinds of pcb fibers and mask (the batch with all the gold produced powder across the whole filter along with my foils)

Now even though i don't trust my test i know the gold is still there (your values never go away unless you throw them away) 8) so i
hung a piece of copper in my solution last night. enough said will know in three or so days\

In the event no gold is produced i understand flash plating is thin and produces almost no gold, no big deal as i am still really loven this learning thing :lol:
My question wouldn't be were is my gold but just the opposite
Were did all my gold come from (in my good batch mentioned above)

As i stated above same boards same process ,the 2 things done differently
1. I changed my reaction chamber from my 5 gallon water bottle (i put the boards directly into a/p) to a 5 gallon bucket (i use a second smaller bucket to hold boards)
2. I switched from 14.5% to 32% muriatic acid

This also needs to be said: I am still mobile at all times. when i used the water jug i kept it in the front of my truck between the seats (14.5%) left in a/p for 6-8 days bubbling mostly at night, no mask or fibers, lots of visible gold

The last 2 batches were done in the bucket with a lid on the roof of the truck (32%) in a/p 2 days bubbled first 8 hours,lots of mask and fiber,very little visible gold

I can see that the stronger acid is why the mask and fibers are now present,no big deal as it will be removed when i refine

Being that ther is much more agitation on the roof of my truck then in the front mixed with the stronger acid could that be why my gold would be in solution or i think the word is colloidal and would 3 coffee filters not catch gold to small to see but not in solution

As an after thought as i stated in my first post 5hours after this batch was started i could see my gold foils (still not as much expected but about the size of a match head)

By the way does agitation matter when i am cementing my gold out with copper
thanks steyr223


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Have you tested your stannous chloride against a known 'standard gold solution' ?

Stannous goes bad quickly if it is not stored in a sealed container with excess metallic tin in the solution.

What a beautiful day
So agitation while cementing?
does it matter?
I have read lots on gold powder and dust but if the process
is washing and filtering, wouldn't you need to see it. .
I took one board from above (the cut up pieces) and put it In a plastic drink container. I did the same with another that's not shown. I added my a/p solution and put on top. I left in friends garage the same time I started this batch(no air added) I will filter today. I can already see more gold than my whole batch produced
Thanks. For all your input. stw
Here is my pics of the boards I did the experiments on

By the way I pulled out my copper but there was no gold
I tried to figure it out but didn't untill I went to rehang my copper
it was 2 inches above my solution lol.
Now just by putting it back in for a couple of hours while I completed my experiments. I can already see gold on the copper
After saturation of AP with copper how long before cementing is complete?
thanks steyr223
Having trouble posting pics
Lets just say it was enough to want to keep

I can see I'm on
My own I will continue to post process for educational purposes no one need reply to my stupid questions
Who knows maybe someone can learn from my mistakes. That is of course those of you that don't already know everything. :Lol:
Thanks steyr223
Thanks Geo for that amazing info
I looked at my Copper today and there was none left
Exactly how much copper will a 1/4 bucket of a/p eat before saturated
So far about 3' of 1/2" m smashed flat

Thanks steyr223
when the solution goes from dark green to brown. if there is a bubbler on it, it will continue dissolving copper and will eventually start dropping copper chloride crystals.
thanks geo
i'm not sure what color my ap is ,it is dark almost black but i thought is was that color when i started
i wont ask people colors anymore they just confuse me out of 5 people they see 5 different colors. it would seem everyone has a different color perception
anyways i filtered my solution and it's so clean there wasn't even a dot left in the filter
either there is no gold or not enogh copper
i took the bubbler off the first time i filtered
i have an appointment with a metal shop tomarrow he said he has real tin powder(out here they call crappy steel tin like sheet metal)i made it a point that it was not magnetic.

i did a process on some very high yeild pins last night
with nitric , just a test maybe 200 pins
wow ( i did this in the middle of a dirt field approx. 1/2 mile sguare . with permission) i walked about 150' away and cleaned my truck. the reaction didn't start for about 20 min
i was very pleased but noticed a very small amount of white creamy substance that floated even above my gold when swirled
this is meta stannic acid? it was easy just to pull to the side with tweasers
but it might not be if i did a couple of pounds?

sorry for the spelling i am not seeing very well today
thanks steyr223

i will atempt to upload pics tonight of my experiments
if the AP is that dark, then its safe to assume that there's no gold in solution. good luck with the tin, you need some test solution, but a word of warning. a solution that is saturated with that much copper is sure to give you a false positive so be sure to get acquainted with what a false positive looks like.

sounds like you didn't dilute the nitric. concentrated nitric acid is slow in attacking base metal because it attacks the metal so fast it make a thin coating of oxidized metal that resist further attack and the acid has to fight its way through this to start the reaction again. dilute the acid 50/50 with water next time and it shouldn't take as long to react. also be sure to cover the reaction with a watch glass or at least a glass saucer or small plate.

metastannic acid is hard to deal with but it can be taken care of if it happens in a large amount. when it happens, just incinerate the material and wash in full strength hcl. that should remove it.
thanks geo
i did the 50/50 water/nitric and it started quickly
i forgot i think 1 gal of nitric for 1 pound of pins

doesn't a cover impead the reaction

there is a simple question on my mind
since i am using nitric and i wash with hcl
how many water washes does it take to completely remove all nitric
steyr223 said:
there is a simple question on my mind
since i am using nitric and i wash with hcl
how many water washes does it take to completely remove all nitric

No amount of washing with water will completely remove all the Nitric acid. If you add Hcl for washing purposes without incinerating the material when it comes out of the nitric acid you will be dissolving values.
steyr223 said:
thanks geo
i did the 50/50 water/nitric and it started quickly
i forgot i think 1 gal of nitric for 1 pound of pins

doesn't a cover impead the reaction

there is a simple question on my mind
since i am using nitric and i wash with hcl
how many water washes does it take to completely remove all nitric

you cover the reaction to save on chemicals and the tiny bubbles bursting creates an aerosol (fine mist) of your solution and will lose values in this mist into the air also as the reaction progresses, the solution will produce NOx fumes, these fumes will condense back into nitric acid on the watchglass or other glass covering and drip back into your reaction making your nitric stretch out farther.

you cant wash either acid (nitric or hcl) from your material. the only way to remove it totally is to incinerate the material between processes unless its your intention to produce AR solution.
Thank you Geo
I am confusing steves video when you wash your gold after ap with hcl
I will have to research this but I take it when your using nitric acid the hcl wash's doesn't come until after you drop your gold unless you incinerate.
Now ladies,gents, uh and others for a brighter side my process of around 1 pound of pins was very successful tonight see pic.let settle decanted and scooped the gold out. pins are very clean
Thanxs steyr223


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A little clarification is needed. first off I can't see the poster that replies to me on my
Sorry martyn111 thanks for reply
The original process of this post I had said I did an experiment on 2 different boards the first 2 pics are the results and of course the third pic is my process from pins done tonight.
As you can see there's much gold from the test boards of the original process .
Now I will post the question where did all my gold go
Thanks steyr223

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