This batch was from L100's and all the same length, 26". Thats why I decided to get some yield data. If I remember right the M-3's have 12 busbars that are 26", 4 of them 22" and 2 of them about 21", for a total of 18 busbars.
Couple of questions...These busbars were all the same composition and I assumed some nickel coumpound as it was magnetic, but lost its magnetism upon being heated. No evidence of any plating. The busbars were soaked in cold (~30F) HCL for 2-3 days, after which the Pd peeled right off and was bright and shiny. The busbars themselves were dull and the solution was pale yellow. After melting with O2/H2, is the weight gain permanent? Worded another way, 4% melt loss was excessive? I guess I'd rather be told I would be paid 94% than have it show up in "melt loss".
Wanna buy some Paladium? 8)