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packing material for fume scrubber

Gold Refining Forum

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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2016
Everett, WA
Good evening,
I need advice on what to use for packing material in the fume scrubber I am making. Ebay has limited options. (porcelin berl saddles or glass/lime beads) I think I need about 4 gallons to fill the columns. Where should I look to find some. Also how do I determine what size/shape the packing should be.
any advice would be appreciated.
For a home refiner scale, how about activated charcoal? I get loose/bulk charcoal for my fillable aquarium filters--might that work? Small size (2-3mm IIRC) would give good surface area...

Carbon is useful as a secondary filter after the packing and mist eliminators but for packing you need materials of high surface area which will provide a solution / air interface for the neutralization of the fume to take place while the solution film can be constantly replenished.

The carbon you describe has the surface area but the ease of access in the micro pores of the carbon will not lend itself to solution replenishment required in a scrubbed airflow.
I seem to remember mention been made of using plastic pipe or bottles cut into rings as a cheap and acceptable alternative as this will give a much larger surface area for the scrubber solution to work over.
It means cutting it down yourself but it's cheap.
How much does small glass tubes usually run for ?

I had quotations all around the place for 15x15mm tubes...
Can someone post a picture of what the inside of their scrubber looks like, or draw a diagram of how I should place small diameter cut up pvc piping or whatever else people use that is effective. If I do a Google search I will be there for hours. Lol thanks!

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