Hello everyone! I was wondering if I could get some assistance in my recovery from ore.
I started with the normal aqua regia and let leach. When it was finished I neutralized the nitric and filtered. I then raised the pH with sodium hydroxide and turned all base metals into hydroxide form and filtered them out. I then added dilute hcl to bring the pH back down and dropped in zinc. I recovered a dark gray to black powder (pic 1 and 2.) My solution was clear but I had a feeling it wasn't emptied of the metals, so I added a drop of peroxide to my now clear solution and sure enough it went yellow. Something didn't cement with the zinc. Long story short,I finally dropped it with vitamin c and got another dark powder this time though it had a reddish undertone to it. I decided to recover with electrolysis and a dark metallic silver metal is plating. Does anyone know what pgm(s) I'm dealing with?
I started with the normal aqua regia and let leach. When it was finished I neutralized the nitric and filtered. I then raised the pH with sodium hydroxide and turned all base metals into hydroxide form and filtered them out. I then added dilute hcl to bring the pH back down and dropped in zinc. I recovered a dark gray to black powder (pic 1 and 2.) My solution was clear but I had a feeling it wasn't emptied of the metals, so I added a drop of peroxide to my now clear solution and sure enough it went yellow. Something didn't cement with the zinc. Long story short,I finally dropped it with vitamin c and got another dark powder this time though it had a reddish undertone to it. I decided to recover with electrolysis and a dark metallic silver metal is plating. Does anyone know what pgm(s) I'm dealing with?