Platinum palladium and rhodium from cat material without acid possible?

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New member
Apr 14, 2023
Can any one tell me please is there any good ways to pull the pgm from cays without acids? Down here In good old new repressim land I can't purchase a id's for aqua Regia etc.
Any help is greatly appreciated
Down here In good old new repressim land
First of all -per the bold print - I (we) have no idea what that means --- so how can we possibly help you if we don't have at least a "general" idea of where you live (country or state)
I can't purchase a id's for aqua Regia etc.
Again - per the bold print - I (we) have no idea what the heck you are talking about - what in the world is id's - it most certainly is not a chemistry &/or refining term --- how in the world do you expect us to help you if you don't use proper language/terms

That said - in the first place - by far the BEST way to recover the PGMs from CATS is to smelt them rather then trying to chemical leach them (acid leaching)

With chemical leaching you will NEVER get all the PGMs out --- at best - you will only get (plus/minus) about 70 to 80% of the palladium & only (plus/minus) about 40 to 60% of the platinum & only (plus/minus) about 10 to 20% of the rhodium

In other words - just because you see people on you tube doing this (leaching) - & you see them get some results - does NOT mean that they are getting good results --- they in fact ARE NOT getting good results !!!

They get little to none of the Rh - only about half the Pt - & loose at least some Pd

On the other hand - with smelting you can achieve (plus/minus) 90% recovery of all three of the PGMs

But even with smelting you will NEED to invest a GREAT deal of time into learning the art/science of smelting as well as a good amount of cash investment into setting up to do proper smelting

So - unless you have enough CATs to pay for the investment of time to learn about smelting & the investment for setting up to smelt - you are FAR better served to sell them to a CAT buyer as the cost to process them your self will be more then what you get selling them as is to a CAT buyer

Hi Kurt and galenrog,

Thank you for your input,
Please excuse my self created language, it was funny in my head at the time and I forget that the web is worldwide, so naturally no one would realize I was from New zealand or actually know what I was on about trying to reference the repressed situation that some of us are experiencing, and the rest is because my fingers are too fat and I kinda just mash at the letters to hopefully produce something that resembles legibility,

Please accept my apologies I have been repressing my Grammer (what little I have retained) to try fit in on other social media sites, I see now that finally I have found some threads with intellect injected, again I must apologise as now I'm here potentially the national average will fall a few points

Anyhow, I just really enjoy tinkering, I have collected a lot of low grade and plated gold and silver over the years and a few cats as I wanted to tinker with some different processes, while it may not be the cheapest way to do things it surely would be the most rewarding, to make a ring for example from scrap gold that has been personally refined.... also if I hide amounts of gold not everyone would even k own what they were looking at if say a couple of 1oz sinkers were just a little more valuable, and I seem to be an expert at refining cash to the point of non existence,

I have always been intrigued by chemistry, the way we can take something and completely terraform it and then transform it back again, or how we can alter molecules at a structural level and recreate them simply by adding other substances,

There were a few things I was considering smelting so maybe a decent forge is worth trying to make, I was also thinking along the lines of a turbo oven to replace a forge potentially...
Sorry for the long winded reply, I don't get out much so generally am not a conversationalist, by which I mean no one talks to me, lol I think I'm crazy but my neighbors know it

So in nz we are unable le
We are unable to simply purchase half of anything to do with almost everything, especially chemicals, I was hoping to create an aqua Regia as I worked in a scrap yard many years ago and a metal casters where they they did rhodium plating closed its doors and I am reasonably sure the electrodes are around here somewhere, which happen to have a rather thick coating or rhodium o. Them so I'm keen to get that off in today's market, and the original idea I had to make lamps has been reevaluated and found the electrodes would be better harvested as apposed to just sitting around anyway thanks again ill try incinerate some and see if I blow myself up
We are unable to simply purchase half of anything to do with almost everything, especially chemicals, I was hoping to create an aqua Regia as I worked in a scrap yard many years ago and a metal casters where they they did rhodium plating closed its doors and I am reasonably sure the electrodes are around here somewhere, which happen to have a rather thick coating or rhodium o. Them so I'm keen to get that off in today's market, and the original idea I had to make lamps has been reevaluated and found the electrodes would be better harvested as apposed to just sitting around anyway thanks again ill try incinerate some and see if I blow myself up
Aqua Regia is not very effective on thick Rhodium, boiling concentrated Sulfuric acid is better but an order of magnitude more dangerous.

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