Posslible to remove chlorine from nitric acid?

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Oct 20, 2010
I did search this site to find an answer before I posted but was unable to. Sorry if this has already been asked and answered.

I do not seem to be able to purchase chlorine-free nitric acid at an affordable price in my area. The nitric acid that IS economical has just enough chlorine in it to precipitate silver chloride from my silver-bearing nitric acid before I am wanting it to - such as during the filtering process. Combined with the high chlorine levels in our city water, this pre-precipitation causes me a great deal of grief.

For some time I thought the problem was caused entirely by the chlorine in the city water but even when I use distilled water I still have pre-precipitation problems - not nearly as bad, but still a real nuisance.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Make sure when you purchase chemicals that they are labeled - CP (Chemically Pure)
Thanks Samuel-a but CP Nitric costs many times as much here as the lesser quality grades. ($23 gallon vs $2.60) I am going thru 600+ gallons a week and the extra cost would more than destroy all of my profits. I've heard that, depending on where you live, prices can vary widely on acid. Can CP nitric be purchased in your area at a much lower price?

Bootsy said:
Can CP nitric be purchased in your area at a much lower price?


But i'm half way around the world :mrgreen:

How about trying to distil your self? with this quantities, it might be the perfect solution for you, and the distillation apparatus is a one time investment....

Good luck.
What are you trying to do with your nitric acid? Tech grade nitric also contains some chlorides but never enough to precipitate AgCl as AgCl exhibits a slight solubility in the acid. It does however dissolve slight quantities of gold which have to be recovered.

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